Wednesday 2 May 2012

Fitness Journal - #1

Yay yay yay I'm actually quite excited about this for some weird reason but I am going to start working out! Yes, that means hitting the gym three times a week and lifting heavy weights to torture and batter my body.

I'm not just saying it, I'm going to commit to it... especially because I've also purchased a big can of protein powder lolol. It cost about $70+ which was pretty cheap considering the normal retail prices of 100+. It was delivered to my doorstep too!

It cost about $77 , and was recommended by one of my friends, so I decided to try it =X
The info page is here in case you're interested. Retail price is apparently $150, no idea how true that is haha.

So this Fitness Journal series is basically for me to chronicle my progress - I was considering making it private but decided not to... I was just worried it'll be very boring! Well as you have noticed by now all my posts are 'spoilered' in that you have to 'click to read more' if you access it via the front page, so if you find them boring just don't read them I suppose!

I have devised a simple weights routine, 3 times of gym-ing a week, which I hope to follow. The only reason why I wouldn't be able to keep to it would be muscle ache I think, discipline-wise I should be quite committed. Talking about muscle aches, the protein powder is supposed to aid recovery and lessen muscle ache.. but I tried it out on Sunday after doing a pseudo-workout at home with my light 5KG weights and pushups etc, I still ache today! (Tuesday) Bleah.

Hopefully it gets better as my body gets more accustomed to the pain I'm going to put it through hehe.

Anyway, the first real weights session wasn't very satisfying, hope the next day, hope the next one on Friday goes better. Don't feel like I trained enough. Oh, my ultimate goal is actually weight gain, I aim to hit 70KG before I go SEP hehe. Because I think I'm super skinny and find it unacceptable and soooo I hope to gain weight! The hardest part will be the diet I think, my metabolism is kinda high so I have to eat muchhh more. And more proteins. And more.

Current Weight: 60KG

Weight gain programme... BEGIN!

1 comment:

  1. [...] some of you may know if you’ve read my Fitness Journal blog entries (1 / 2), I have begun on my journey to gain muscle/weight. I’m tired of being ‘the skinny [...]
