Monday 6 August 2012

Fitness Journal #11 - A Home Gym

My blog has been getting a surge of visitors because it is bidding season in NUS and everyone is googling for reviews, so I should probably be blogging more interesting stuff.. but SORRY NO TIME NO INSPIRATION.

Anyway, this blog entry has to do with my whole fitness thingy so sorry if it bores you.

So I was just wondering how much would it cost to set up a mini gym at home - with a power rack and a barbell and some free weights. Checked out the prices at and I was pleasant surprised:

All images from

1) Squat/Power Rack @ $499.00

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="480"] Male Model not included[/caption]

Bare minimum. Of course, this would require a bench:

2) Bench @ $250

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="422"] Made of gold, that's why so expensive[/caption]

Siao ah! One bench cost so much -_- Can probably get a normal bench for $50 or less from furniture shop.

3) Barbell Bar @ $29.90

Pretty much mandatory, if I want to do bench/squats, etc

4) Weights @ $171.60

10kg  - $29.80 x 4 = $119.20

5kg - $14.90 x 2 = $29.80

2.5kg - $7.50 x 2 = $15

1.25kg - $3.80 x 2 = $7.60

Total - $171.60


And I'll probably have to get some additional stuff like a padded floor (just like a thick cushiony floor mat), a cushion for when I'm doing squats with the bar, etc. But for this current list, the total cost is : $171.60 + $29.90 + $250 + $499.90 = $951.4!

Taking each gym entry to cost $2.50, plus transport cost of $1.50 each time I go for a total of $4 each gym session, it would take 238 gym sessions to make up this cost, and assuming 3-4 sessions a week, that's about 68 weeks, or 1 year 4 months to make up the cost!!

Not bad eh! Long term investment. hmmm...

1 comment:

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