Tuesday 21 August 2012

Adventures in USA - Day 4!

Ok I will do a standard format for my Adventures in USA blog posts from now on to a) save time b) make it easier to read. The format will be - one liner outlining what I did, 3 highlight photos, then my random thoughts for the day, and a link to my facebook album. Short and sweet.

When I arrive in Boston and settle down then I blog about other stuff k! When travelling quite busy ah!!

Today was the start of our Yellowstone tours! So the whole day was spent on a guided tour, which was basically looking at scenery and spotting wildlife. The wildlife part was probably the more fun/interesting part haha.

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="533"] Bison (also known as (American) Buffalo) crossing the road while we were on the bus! Damn cool cos we actually saw it at the other side of the river of the bus so we stopped to take pictures, then it began crossing and then came out of the water then crossed the road.
They are extremely powerful and charge faster than an Olympic sprinter so we had to maintain our distance. Took this with my awesome zoom :)[/caption]

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="479"] Beautiful scenery which photos will never do justice to.[/caption]


[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="534"] sup[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_1747" align="alignleft" width="500"] bald eagle! Super majestic looking can!! It was sitting in the tree like a boss, and the thing is we were super far away so the tour guide set up his scope for us to see! This picture was taken through the scope![/caption]














For more boring lovely nature + wildlife photos, head over to my Facebook album to see them all! :)


Random thoughts of the day:

  • In West Yellowstone, all vehicles give way to passengers! It's like they will deliberately slow down even it's clear they can pass first and you are not crossing but waiting for them. And in those crossings with no traffic lights, the vehicles always stop and wait for us to cross. They're all super nice drivers!

  • Yellowstone National Park is beautiful! I'm not even a nature person but when I was there I just can't help but be awed by how vast and amazing everything looked. And also how small Singapore was haha.

  • Every motorbike in West Yellowstone seems to be a Harley Davidson for some reason. Every. Single. One.

  • Why does Singapore not have microwave dinners!! Imagine a full meal of steak + entrees + dessert in a microwaveable container for just $5-7!

  • The options in Singapore's supermarkets are SO limited. Here there's so much more food and stuff you can make easily from the readymade cans , etc. E.g. mac and cheese, lasagne, etc etc. Very clearly labelled instructions. I just love the supermarket in the US. (I didn't say 'supermarkets' because I've only been through one... maybe I'm speaking prematurely but I doubt so)

  • I miss gymming. One of the things I'm most excited about is actually bulking up lolol. I'll be eating tonnes with the mealplan with US portions, so with the right exercises I will be bigger for sure when I return.

Ok that's all folks! Take care and thanks for reading as always :)

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