wow, this is the 4th blog entry in 2 days, i'm a highly efficient blogger :p well i guess cos i only get to come out on the weekend and during the weeks i'll store up my thoughts so when i come out i UNLEASH THE POWERRR. hahaha. sif got power.
anyway. i was just thinking about how much i value money now. The value of money has certainly dropped for me after i started earning it (strangely) For example, last time if i had to spend 10 dollars on.. anything. let's just use food as an example. I'll be like.. NO WAY! like maybe once in a blue moon i do?
But now 10 dollars on a dessert (not even a meal) is nothing. Like.. ok lor just enjoy. shiok. kaching. money spent.
And, i value time ALOT ALOT more too! i think if you ask any NSF he'll give you the same answer - What is the most valuable thing to you now? He'll say TIME!!!! or maybe in a different form, like 'weekend!!' or.. 'bookout!!' which all equates to free time from army.
For instance, i wouldn't even hesitate a single second to spend 5-6 bucks just to save 10-15 minutes of travel time. (e.g. i just took a $5.40 cab from sgoon mrt to home just now. saved about 10 minutes)
Yea that was a little dumb and extravagant but HEY time is precious and i'm lazy to walk too. i'm so gonna enjoy a freaking slow and relaxed pace of life when i ORD from army. i shall take days off when i just ... sit at the beach and watch the waves come crashing in. and tan. hahaha.
It's horrible isn't it. life in singapore is so fast paced. trains come every 5-8 minutes and people still complain, when in other countries it's more like every 30 minutes. even worse, everyone jams up at the sides of the train doors to hurriedly get into the train. And even those who dont wanna do this will be peer-influenced by everyone else and do it
(i mean, if you're waiting to board the train and everyone squeezes in front of u u ARE gonna get stuck outside when the door closes)
on a side note, i realise i'm quite girly! ok well.. i found myself feeling extremely contented and happy with the knowledge that i had so many new clothes to wear (about 8 new tops and 2 new jeans). I think soon i will buy more . haha. after i get my shoes. anyone wanna go queensway with me?
ok, i'm off to utilize my TIME to play some warcraft before i eat shower and rush to book in. This will be my first time travelling to army camp by myself (i got a lift from a friend last week) so.. i have no idea how to get there. as in i know but it's not for sure. hope i dont' get lost!
Sunday, 30 March 2008
Saturday, 29 March 2008
weiling is a blur queen
oh my.
MSN conversation with khoo wei ling.
alan - is gonna be machoman says:
in sispec now
alan - is gonna be machoman says:
training ot become sergeant
cutie hippO says:
sispec? wat is tat?
cutie hippO says:
cool! sergeant alan.....haha!
alan - is gonna be machoman says:
school of infantry specialists
cutie hippO says:
infantry? infants? babies? really??!?!?
alan - is gonna be machoman says:
ya we look after babies
cutie hippO says:
really???? how come got babies in NS? that's so so so so so cool!!!! i want to go army!!!
alan - is gonna be machoman says:
and the thing is, she wasnt joking or anything, she genuinely thought so. she had no idea what 'infantry' is. No, she isnt my primary 6 friend from church. she's my JC classmate who got 4 As.
MSN conversation with khoo wei ling.
alan - is gonna be machoman says:
in sispec now
alan - is gonna be machoman says:
training ot become sergeant
cutie hippO says:
sispec? wat is tat?
cutie hippO says:
cool! sergeant alan.....haha!
alan - is gonna be machoman says:
school of infantry specialists
cutie hippO says:
infantry? infants? babies? really??!?!?
alan - is gonna be machoman says:
ya we look after babies
cutie hippO says:
really???? how come got babies in NS? that's so so so so so cool!!!! i want to go army!!!
alan - is gonna be machoman says:
and the thing is, she wasnt joking or anything, she genuinely thought so. she had no idea what 'infantry' is. No, she isnt my primary 6 friend from church. she's my JC classmate who got 4 As.
For LOST fans
Ok for all LOST fans or those who have watched LOST up to a certain point then decided to give up as it was too confusing (this is for the former since it is a little.. deep).. some brilliant chap came up with this fantastic theory that sounds so convincing and accurate it's as if the LOST writers wrote it themselves!!
The link is here:
it's a pretty lengthy read, probably take you 10-20 minutes to absorb the whole thing as it is a little complicated (hey waddya expect, a theory to explain LOST has to be a little deep)
It's very interesting though, and makes total sense, so i would high encourage you to read it if you have the time. I'll just highlight some key points, but they will be far from sufficient to explaining anything so you have to read the article!
The whole concept that the guy came up with was - time travel. The Dharma initiative came up with this time machine thing that allowed time travel. The article totally explains why this is so and gives alot of supporting evidence from the show that explains this theory.
Now it is a little more complicated than it sounds.. you need to read the page to understand it's hard to explain.
Anyway here's some rules of the time travel:
1) When someone enters the time machine, they can only go back in time – and only to a time where the machine was currently running.
2) When you go back in time, you do not de-age. For example, if you are 50, and go back 10 years in time, you do NOT have your 40-year-old body. HOWEVER, while you are re-living 10 years of your life, you body will not age until you catch up with the time in which you entered the time machine.
3) When you go back in time, you will still have your current hair style, tattoos, and memory. However, say you were paralyzed; fate would need to do some course correction to make sure that you are still able to play your past role in life. Thus, time travel can TEMPORARILY cure any physical ailments you may have had prior to entering the time machine.
However, fate will still find a way to paralyze you once you catch up with the current time. Say the first time you were paralyzed, it was because you were pushed out of a window. Because “the universe has a funny way of course correcting,” you may get hit by a car the second time around.
4)When you go back in time, you can only “change” things that don’t have an impact on your destiny. In other words, if you went to church on a specific date in the past, and then went back in time, you wouldn’t necessarily go to church in your new timeline. However, if you changed a belief as a result of going to church the first time around, “fate would find a way to influence you into that belief.” Perhaps you would have a near death experience, or maybe a mysterious person would greet you in a jewelry store and tell you that you need to change your beliefs… or, maybe fate would just kill you since it couldn’t find a way to change your belief.
5) If you go back in time and die, you are not “totally” dead because there has already been a variation of the universe where you were alive in the future. Thus, you become “half dead” until time catches back up. In other words, your presence may be known to some people but not others. Your presence would only be known when you are required to make an impact to fate.
6)If you have never had a child, you cannot go back in time and give birth. Fate does not allow for a new entity to exist in a past where it originally did not exist. Thus fate would either have to kill the mother, the baby, or both in order to course correct. UNLESS, fate decides to use the baby or mother to “replace” someone else in the timeline.
7) Basically, the “rules of the time machine” are not governed by any physical definitions of time travel. The “rules,” if you will, are governed by how FATE decides to preserve the timeline. Thus, if you are required to do something profound in a future timeline, fate will find any way possible to preserve the timeline – we’ve seen ghosts and smoke monsters in LOST. So according to the show’s definition of time travel, fate “does have a funny way of course correcting.”
that's the rough gist of it. Read the main article for how this links to the show and how many events are explained. The guy is good man!
The link is here:
it's a pretty lengthy read, probably take you 10-20 minutes to absorb the whole thing as it is a little complicated (hey waddya expect, a theory to explain LOST has to be a little deep)
It's very interesting though, and makes total sense, so i would high encourage you to read it if you have the time. I'll just highlight some key points, but they will be far from sufficient to explaining anything so you have to read the article!
The whole concept that the guy came up with was - time travel. The Dharma initiative came up with this time machine thing that allowed time travel. The article totally explains why this is so and gives alot of supporting evidence from the show that explains this theory.
Now it is a little more complicated than it sounds.. you need to read the page to understand it's hard to explain.
Anyway here's some rules of the time travel:
1) When someone enters the time machine, they can only go back in time – and only to a time where the machine was currently running.
2) When you go back in time, you do not de-age. For example, if you are 50, and go back 10 years in time, you do NOT have your 40-year-old body. HOWEVER, while you are re-living 10 years of your life, you body will not age until you catch up with the time in which you entered the time machine.
3) When you go back in time, you will still have your current hair style, tattoos, and memory. However, say you were paralyzed; fate would need to do some course correction to make sure that you are still able to play your past role in life. Thus, time travel can TEMPORARILY cure any physical ailments you may have had prior to entering the time machine.
However, fate will still find a way to paralyze you once you catch up with the current time. Say the first time you were paralyzed, it was because you were pushed out of a window. Because “the universe has a funny way of course correcting,” you may get hit by a car the second time around.
4)When you go back in time, you can only “change” things that don’t have an impact on your destiny. In other words, if you went to church on a specific date in the past, and then went back in time, you wouldn’t necessarily go to church in your new timeline. However, if you changed a belief as a result of going to church the first time around, “fate would find a way to influence you into that belief.” Perhaps you would have a near death experience, or maybe a mysterious person would greet you in a jewelry store and tell you that you need to change your beliefs… or, maybe fate would just kill you since it couldn’t find a way to change your belief.
5) If you go back in time and die, you are not “totally” dead because there has already been a variation of the universe where you were alive in the future. Thus, you become “half dead” until time catches back up. In other words, your presence may be known to some people but not others. Your presence would only be known when you are required to make an impact to fate.
6)If you have never had a child, you cannot go back in time and give birth. Fate does not allow for a new entity to exist in a past where it originally did not exist. Thus fate would either have to kill the mother, the baby, or both in order to course correct. UNLESS, fate decides to use the baby or mother to “replace” someone else in the timeline.
7) Basically, the “rules of the time machine” are not governed by any physical definitions of time travel. The “rules,” if you will, are governed by how FATE decides to preserve the timeline. Thus, if you are required to do something profound in a future timeline, fate will find any way possible to preserve the timeline – we’ve seen ghosts and smoke monsters in LOST. So according to the show’s definition of time travel, fate “does have a funny way of course correcting.”
that's the rough gist of it. Read the main article for how this links to the show and how many events are explained. The guy is good man!
Friday, 28 March 2008
sispec warriors we are the warriors
ah. just came out for the weekend break from my SISPEC training.
what is it like? well, i kinda like the lifestyle there as it seems alot more relaxed than BMT .. like more independent. BMT is really dumb like waste alot of time and stuff. But here.. the lifestyle seems better. but maybe cos the instructors all giving chance as it's our first week.
physically, it's about.. 3 times more tiring than BMT. the exercises are tiring and they really push us alot physically. i ached like crap on the 2nd/3rd day but i think that's also because i didn't exercise much during the block leave. but they're really demanding a high physical standard from us and.. it's tough.
i screwed up alot of things on the first day that could have potentially demoralised me for the whole course.
For example, i didn't bring my running shoes -_- retarded right. when i found out i literally went cold and i had the 'OH SHIT I'M SO DEAD' feeling in my body. luckily we could go the shop there to buy.
And, while moving cupboards (yes retardedly my bunk had no cupboards we had to shift from next door) i literally smashed my right arm into the fire extinguisher box attached to the wall. it kinda got sandwiched between the cupboard i was carrying and the box. and my hand went totally numb so i was freaking scared i broke something.
but i was lucky la, nothing serious. after the PT the aches from the other parts of my body became more than the pain in my hand so.. it healed after 1-2 days.
but somehow, i managed to keep myself optimistic so i went through the first week pretty well. furthermore, it was really relaxed.. like ALOT of people were slacking and not rushing to meet timings and not putting in their best effort.. like LOUSY discipline la. but the commanders still relax and never punish just scold.
I'm very sure this is because it's the first week so they're being nice. we're so gonna get screwed next week. i just know it. those guys really need to buck up. :/
optimistic optimistic!! i think the key to staying alive here is to be optimistic. so.. if you're nice you can send me SMSes of encouragement or whatever. i'll greatly appreciate them =)
BY THE WAY. PRISON BREAK FANS! i have GREAT NEWS for you! ok this is slightly spoilerish .. but i dont think there's anyway you dont wanna know it!
So if you dont wanna know
away from this
page now!
i dunno how they'll do it but well the gist of it is that i guess she didn't die in season 3 and that head we saw wasn't hers ? i dunno. but the most important thing is that she'll be back in season 4 so those who stopped watching PB because sara died.. CAN COME BACK AND WATCH NOW!!!
For the full story, click here:
what is it like? well, i kinda like the lifestyle there as it seems alot more relaxed than BMT .. like more independent. BMT is really dumb like waste alot of time and stuff. But here.. the lifestyle seems better. but maybe cos the instructors all giving chance as it's our first week.
physically, it's about.. 3 times more tiring than BMT. the exercises are tiring and they really push us alot physically. i ached like crap on the 2nd/3rd day but i think that's also because i didn't exercise much during the block leave. but they're really demanding a high physical standard from us and.. it's tough.
i screwed up alot of things on the first day that could have potentially demoralised me for the whole course.
For example, i didn't bring my running shoes -_- retarded right. when i found out i literally went cold and i had the 'OH SHIT I'M SO DEAD' feeling in my body. luckily we could go the shop there to buy.
And, while moving cupboards (yes retardedly my bunk had no cupboards we had to shift from next door) i literally smashed my right arm into the fire extinguisher box attached to the wall. it kinda got sandwiched between the cupboard i was carrying and the box. and my hand went totally numb so i was freaking scared i broke something.
but i was lucky la, nothing serious. after the PT the aches from the other parts of my body became more than the pain in my hand so.. it healed after 1-2 days.
but somehow, i managed to keep myself optimistic so i went through the first week pretty well. furthermore, it was really relaxed.. like ALOT of people were slacking and not rushing to meet timings and not putting in their best effort.. like LOUSY discipline la. but the commanders still relax and never punish just scold.
I'm very sure this is because it's the first week so they're being nice. we're so gonna get screwed next week. i just know it. those guys really need to buck up. :/
optimistic optimistic!! i think the key to staying alive here is to be optimistic. so.. if you're nice you can send me SMSes of encouragement or whatever. i'll greatly appreciate them =)
BY THE WAY. PRISON BREAK FANS! i have GREAT NEWS for you! ok this is slightly spoilerish .. but i dont think there's anyway you dont wanna know it!
So if you dont wanna know
away from this
page now!
i dunno how they'll do it but well the gist of it is that i guess she didn't die in season 3 and that head we saw wasn't hers ? i dunno. but the most important thing is that she'll be back in season 4 so those who stopped watching PB because sara died.. CAN COME BACK AND WATCH NOW!!!
For the full story, click here:
Saturday, 22 March 2008
im a pig
ah.. the 2nd last day of my block leave. I have completed BMT, so now i'm moving on to SISPEC! (School Of Infantry Specialists) Just got the posting yesterday, by checking the army website. Basically that means i'm gonna undergo 6 months of training to become a 3rd Sergeant (3SG) ! gee, hope i make it through.
Yknow it is said that you only appreciate the value of money when you start working, since you'll be spending your hard-earned money. How come i'm not like that ah?
It's the first time ever im my life i'm getting a salary when i entered army, and the pay of $400 a month is pretty meagre in comparison to other part time jobs or whatever. but instead of being extremely thrifty and saving every penny.. i've become more spendthrift! I spend money more easily and am pretty comfortable with eating more expensive meals.
For example, previously i would always spend just 2-3 dollars on a meal, and never buy a drink but drink water instead to save money. But now.. my average meal is probably like 6 dollars? sometimes even more. Like.. 10-20 dollars. That would be when i go to those more expensive pizza hut or Fish & Co (just went there this week. the glasshouse. their fish drips with oil la. super oily. but damn shiok)
(e.g. let's take my latest meal for example, which was my dinner i just had
Ban Mian : $2.50
Lemon Juice: $1
Chocolate Donut: $0.90
Brownie : $0.90
= $5.30 !! )
(and i only ate banmian cos my throat was feeling a little weird, like having the onset of cough. otherwise i would've eaten mcdonalds i think)
I think it's the army's fault. After field camp, i've developed the habit of constantly wanting to eat something (that's kinda what it's like in field camp, and cos we have biscuits, we can do that)
So after my meals i'll always feel like having dessert, etc. That's why i bought those donut/brownies.
I've also been taking alot of snacks. Like in between meals, just eat something. Then eat alot for the meals too. Ahhh i'm sucha pig.
Ah yes, i just bought 2 tubs of chocolate ice cream (mini tub, 2 for $2.80). ate half a tub with the brownie + milo powder + hersheys syrup. =D seriously, the inventor of milo is a genius. Is his name even milo? i know there are people named milo. milo powder can go with virtually any dessert la! it's even nice on its own. ah.. i feel so.. pampered. =X haha.
I am SO not looking forward to going back to army :/
Yknow it is said that you only appreciate the value of money when you start working, since you'll be spending your hard-earned money. How come i'm not like that ah?
It's the first time ever im my life i'm getting a salary when i entered army, and the pay of $400 a month is pretty meagre in comparison to other part time jobs or whatever. but instead of being extremely thrifty and saving every penny.. i've become more spendthrift! I spend money more easily and am pretty comfortable with eating more expensive meals.
For example, previously i would always spend just 2-3 dollars on a meal, and never buy a drink but drink water instead to save money. But now.. my average meal is probably like 6 dollars? sometimes even more. Like.. 10-20 dollars. That would be when i go to those more expensive pizza hut or Fish & Co (just went there this week. the glasshouse. their fish drips with oil la. super oily. but damn shiok)
(e.g. let's take my latest meal for example, which was my dinner i just had
Ban Mian : $2.50
Lemon Juice: $1
Chocolate Donut: $0.90
Brownie : $0.90
= $5.30 !! )
(and i only ate banmian cos my throat was feeling a little weird, like having the onset of cough. otherwise i would've eaten mcdonalds i think)
I think it's the army's fault. After field camp, i've developed the habit of constantly wanting to eat something (that's kinda what it's like in field camp, and cos we have biscuits, we can do that)
So after my meals i'll always feel like having dessert, etc. That's why i bought those donut/brownies.
I've also been taking alot of snacks. Like in between meals, just eat something. Then eat alot for the meals too. Ahhh i'm sucha pig.
Ah yes, i just bought 2 tubs of chocolate ice cream (mini tub, 2 for $2.80). ate half a tub with the brownie + milo powder + hersheys syrup. =D seriously, the inventor of milo is a genius. Is his name even milo? i know there are people named milo. milo powder can go with virtually any dessert la! it's even nice on its own. ah.. i feel so.. pampered. =X haha.
I am SO not looking forward to going back to army :/
Thursday, 20 March 2008
i've got a new stalker
UJG has a friend. this new number called me today, and it seems like the same person or a friend of that UJG. smses the same way.
anyone knows this number?
Our smses went something like this:
New Stalker (NS) : Ya i cal u!may i noe who r u?
right, so you call me and ask me who i am.
Me: ?? Who are you? Wats your name? Your number looks very familiar
NS: Izit! im carol=)n wad ur name?
the characteristic bad english.
Me: Er.. Why are you messaging me. How did you get my number?
NS: From ur fren jcln
Me: Who is jcln. how do i even know you and why are you messaging me
NS: Eh where u stay ar??wats ur name?
zomg stalker. i was watching a movie so i didn't bother replying the sms. And she persists:
NS: Eh y u nvr reply my msg? busy ar?
Me: I have no idea who u are and who jc is so gg pwnzor
NS: Huh u dun lie k jc ownself past tis no 2me k u r his frenx
Me: jc is retarded and so are you. Stop stalking me you paparazzi
NS: So u noe him la?? jc is stupid lame n abit mad u noe
And i love my latest sms, i'm so funny :
Me: No wonder u 2 are frens. U r exactly like him. Now go bother a tree and leaf me alone.
HAHAHA. get the joke? :p yes i know it's kinda lame but it came completely at random. I just thought of the most random thing you can bother, and i thought of 'tree'. Then the 2nd half (the punchline) came naturally. :p
anyway if anyone is bored go msg this number
go say something like 'hi i'm jc' and she'll go crazy . haha
anyone knows this number?
Our smses went something like this:
New Stalker (NS) : Ya i cal u!may i noe who r u?
right, so you call me and ask me who i am.
Me: ?? Who are you? Wats your name? Your number looks very familiar
NS: Izit! im carol=)n wad ur name?
the characteristic bad english.
Me: Er.. Why are you messaging me. How did you get my number?
NS: From ur fren jcln
Me: Who is jcln. how do i even know you and why are you messaging me
NS: Eh where u stay ar??wats ur name?
zomg stalker. i was watching a movie so i didn't bother replying the sms. And she persists:
NS: Eh y u nvr reply my msg? busy ar?
Me: I have no idea who u are and who jc is so gg pwnzor
NS: Huh u dun lie k jc ownself past tis no 2me k u r his frenx
Me: jc is retarded and so are you. Stop stalking me you paparazzi
NS: So u noe him la?? jc is stupid lame n abit mad u noe
And i love my latest sms, i'm so funny :
Me: No wonder u 2 are frens. U r exactly like him. Now go bother a tree and leaf me alone.
HAHAHA. get the joke? :p yes i know it's kinda lame but it came completely at random. I just thought of the most random thing you can bother, and i thought of 'tree'. Then the 2nd half (the punchline) came naturally. :p
anyway if anyone is bored go msg this number
go say something like 'hi i'm jc' and she'll go crazy . haha
Wednesday, 19 March 2008
jap girl (3)
she never leaves me alone:
SMS Conversation:
Unknown Jap Girl: Hi.. im amanda u still remember me?jc gv me u'r no
Me: no i've no idea who you are stop smsing and calling me
UJG: u jux go n ask urfrenx jc k!
Me: i dont have a fren called jc
UJG: Eh plz la!dun act k..tad time i msg jc then he reply use tis no.
At this point i decided i'm just gonna play along, and my end goal was to convince her that i'm her friend or i'm whoever she thinks i am and then ask her out somewhere.. AND NOT TURN UP. wahaha.
another possibility is i'll just hide somewhere inconspicuously and let her wait at the place. and i'll just laugh at her waiting indefinitely. It'll be like those spy shows yknow. Where i read a newspaper as disguise. haahhaa.
Me: Yes wat do you want amanda
UJG: U c la!now cant lie ready la? im not amanda im her frenx
(lol on the contrary i just started lying. i've no idea whyx shex likex to addx an x behind her wordx.)
Me: So why are you msging me, amanda's friend? miss me? =)
UJG: No at all! i jux wan 2noe who u r =/ n r u s'poren wat ur name? u jc frenx ryte??
argh. no emotional attachment to me then how to arrange a meeting? and so probing. hmm.
Me: You are japanese? You sound japanese. Konichiwa! What's your name?
UJG: Eh wat i ask u ah?y nvr reply?
Me: I ask you you also never reply. You reply me first? =)
UJG: No u first k?
Me: No no, i'm not gonna say anything till you do
UJG: Im nicole=) n wat ur name
And i try to think of the safest name that will never be linked to me and sounding a little foreign too.
Me: Nicole? But you sound japanese! I am sebastian
UJG: U r indian malay china! u r s'poren ah?
HAHAHAH i've no idea what she's saying. hahahhaa. just sounds damn funny when i read it. u r indian malay china! hahahaha.
Me: So r u japanese? i think jap is cool.
and she calls me after this sms. of course i didn't pick up, and she called again several hours later and again i didn't pick up. i can't wait for the voicemail (if she left any) :p
SMS Conversation:
Unknown Jap Girl: Hi.. im amanda u still remember me?jc gv me u'r no
Me: no i've no idea who you are stop smsing and calling me
UJG: u jux go n ask urfrenx jc k!
Me: i dont have a fren called jc
UJG: Eh plz la!dun act k..tad time i msg jc then he reply use tis no.
At this point i decided i'm just gonna play along, and my end goal was to convince her that i'm her friend or i'm whoever she thinks i am and then ask her out somewhere.. AND NOT TURN UP. wahaha.
another possibility is i'll just hide somewhere inconspicuously and let her wait at the place. and i'll just laugh at her waiting indefinitely. It'll be like those spy shows yknow. Where i read a newspaper as disguise. haahhaa.
Me: Yes wat do you want amanda
UJG: U c la!now cant lie ready la? im not amanda im her frenx
(lol on the contrary i just started lying. i've no idea whyx shex likex to addx an x behind her wordx.)
Me: So why are you msging me, amanda's friend? miss me? =)
UJG: No at all! i jux wan 2noe who u r =/ n r u s'poren wat ur name? u jc frenx ryte??
argh. no emotional attachment to me then how to arrange a meeting? and so probing. hmm.
Me: You are japanese? You sound japanese. Konichiwa! What's your name?
UJG: Eh wat i ask u ah?y nvr reply?
Me: I ask you you also never reply. You reply me first? =)
UJG: No u first k?
Me: No no, i'm not gonna say anything till you do
UJG: Im nicole=) n wat ur name
And i try to think of the safest name that will never be linked to me and sounding a little foreign too.
Me: Nicole? But you sound japanese! I am sebastian
UJG: U r indian malay china! u r s'poren ah?
HAHAHAH i've no idea what she's saying. hahahhaa. just sounds damn funny when i read it. u r indian malay china! hahahaha.
Me: So r u japanese? i think jap is cool.
and she calls me after this sms. of course i didn't pick up, and she called again several hours later and again i didn't pick up. i can't wait for the voicemail (if she left any) :p
Monday, 17 March 2008
Chocolate Ice Cream = 1 tub
Milo Powder = alot
Hershey's Chocolate Syrup = 1 bottle (not the entire thing!)
All together = Momentary Heaven.
yummy =)
Milo Powder = alot
Hershey's Chocolate Syrup = 1 bottle (not the entire thing!)
All together = Momentary Heaven.
yummy =)
Sunday, 16 March 2008
china girl (2)
lol this morning when i woke up i received an SMS from the voicemail service. Well because i think when i hang up on an incoming call or i don't pick up my phone, the person is routed straight to my voicemail.
So yesterday when i rejected the calls of the china girl, she went to my voicemail. And i got about 4 voicemails.
Oh oh, and i realised she's not from china after all. If i'm not wrong, she's jap! haha. I'll tell you how i figured out soon.
ok 3 of the voicemails were more or less incoherent, but one of them was quite long and quite amusing:
Unknown Jap girl:
" Huh? (probably after listening to my voicemail message) ORHHHH.. you wanna play play? where on earth r u!?!? "
then she rambles incoherently at this point, but it sounds very distinctly like japanese, and she even at one point exclaims really loudly in the typical japanese girl way (yknow, like SU-GOIH!! ) (she didn't say sugoih la, just some exclamation)
So i was rather amused by this japanese girl rambling on my voicemail, then suddenly she goes:
"Ok i better talk properly. "
(and she switches to a more coherent tone and articulates her words carefully though her accent is still distinct)
"Har-loww, i know you are jc fren ok, cos you message my fren"
at this point i think she hung up or something. Oh and last night she also messaged : 'I am late. i will be there at 8.30 wait 4me ah'
haha this jap girl is weirddd. then when i told her AGAIN for like the 129387th time then she had the wrong number, she replied:
"sorrie la! i mgs myguy la!"
lol whatever that means.
So yesterday when i rejected the calls of the china girl, she went to my voicemail. And i got about 4 voicemails.
Oh oh, and i realised she's not from china after all. If i'm not wrong, she's jap! haha. I'll tell you how i figured out soon.
ok 3 of the voicemails were more or less incoherent, but one of them was quite long and quite amusing:
Unknown Jap girl:
" Huh? (probably after listening to my voicemail message) ORHHHH.. you wanna play play? where on earth r u!?!? "
then she rambles incoherently at this point, but it sounds very distinctly like japanese, and she even at one point exclaims really loudly in the typical japanese girl way (yknow, like SU-GOIH!! ) (she didn't say sugoih la, just some exclamation)
So i was rather amused by this japanese girl rambling on my voicemail, then suddenly she goes:
"Ok i better talk properly. "
(and she switches to a more coherent tone and articulates her words carefully though her accent is still distinct)
"Har-loww, i know you are jc fren ok, cos you message my fren"
at this point i think she hung up or something. Oh and last night she also messaged : 'I am late. i will be there at 8.30 wait 4me ah'
haha this jap girl is weirddd. then when i told her AGAIN for like the 129387th time then she had the wrong number, she replied:
"sorrie la! i mgs myguy la!"
lol whatever that means.
china girl
gah, spent so much money today!
went shopping at Bugis Village with my school friend amanda! seriously she's a shopping guru. she was dragging me around and telling me not to buy from here, too expensive here, not nice, blablabla. but she's biased towards brown and against orange/red so.. ha.
Lemme see. i bought
4 T shirts - $40 + $30 = $70
2 polo tees - $54
2 jeans - $50
TOTAL = $174
wooo. and i still haven't bought sneakers and.. bball pants. sneakers more urgent. maybe i'll buy that this week. ah we'll see.
Anyway today while at bugis, i got a call from some unknown HP number:
Unknown China Girl (let's call her UCG) : harrloeee?
(she had some china accent so i assume she is from china. then again.. it may have been a HK accent. i dunno)
me: hello?
UCG: harrloww?
me: er.. hello?
UCG: haaar--loee?
at this point i decided to hang up, and within 1 minute she called back:
UCG: harrloww?
me: hello?
UCG: harrrloee?
me: yes, who is this?
UCG: you... you jaimeee friend right?
me: what?
UCG: -repeats what she said-
me: er i've no idea who's that
UCG: YOU ARE JAYMEE'S FRIENDDD!!! (in an irritated tone)
me: i'm sorry i think you got the wrong number
at this point i'd expect a normal person who has called the wrong number to similarly apologize and hang up right? no she went on:
UCG: YOUUU DONT BLUFF ! YOU BLUFF ! (sounding pissed off)
lol at this point i was feeling slightly annoyed but amused at the same time. at the same time, i was clueless at what to say too. so i just hung up.
she called about 3-5 more times which i just hung up, then she sent an sms:
UCG: Eh u dun bluff k
?!?? lol it was kinda funny how she kept repeating this particular line. so i just replied like asking who the hell she was and i think she got the wrong number. then her next sms:
UCG: Hi.. i noe u is jc frenx k!uwan 2met manda 2day at 8pm rite?
ok at this point i was a little stunned at the mention of amanda cos i just met her. so.. perhaps it was someone i knew or someone who knew us or something along that lines. but in the end.... i realised it was just some number i msged wrongly TWO weeks ago. so i 've no idea why the person is hounding me now and what on earth she's talking about. i guess the mention of manda is just another coincidence.
oh, she just called my phone again. i hung up. weirdo
went shopping at Bugis Village with my school friend amanda! seriously she's a shopping guru. she was dragging me around and telling me not to buy from here, too expensive here, not nice, blablabla. but she's biased towards brown and against orange/red so.. ha.
Lemme see. i bought
4 T shirts - $40 + $30 = $70
2 polo tees - $54
2 jeans - $50
TOTAL = $174
wooo. and i still haven't bought sneakers and.. bball pants. sneakers more urgent. maybe i'll buy that this week. ah we'll see.
Anyway today while at bugis, i got a call from some unknown HP number:
Unknown China Girl (let's call her UCG) : harrloeee?
(she had some china accent so i assume she is from china. then again.. it may have been a HK accent. i dunno)
me: hello?
UCG: harrloww?
me: er.. hello?
UCG: haaar--loee?
at this point i decided to hang up, and within 1 minute she called back:
UCG: harrloww?
me: hello?
UCG: harrrloee?
me: yes, who is this?
UCG: you... you jaimeee friend right?
me: what?
UCG: -repeats what she said-
me: er i've no idea who's that
UCG: YOU ARE JAYMEE'S FRIENDDD!!! (in an irritated tone)
me: i'm sorry i think you got the wrong number
at this point i'd expect a normal person who has called the wrong number to similarly apologize and hang up right? no she went on:
UCG: YOUUU DONT BLUFF ! YOU BLUFF ! (sounding pissed off)
lol at this point i was feeling slightly annoyed but amused at the same time. at the same time, i was clueless at what to say too. so i just hung up.
she called about 3-5 more times which i just hung up, then she sent an sms:
UCG: Eh u dun bluff k
?!?? lol it was kinda funny how she kept repeating this particular line. so i just replied like asking who the hell she was and i think she got the wrong number. then her next sms:
UCG: Hi.. i noe u is jc frenx k!uwan 2met manda 2day at 8pm rite?
ok at this point i was a little stunned at the mention of amanda cos i just met her. so.. perhaps it was someone i knew or someone who knew us or something along that lines. but in the end.... i realised it was just some number i msged wrongly TWO weeks ago. so i 've no idea why the person is hounding me now and what on earth she's talking about. i guess the mention of manda is just another coincidence.
oh, she just called my phone again. i hung up. weirdo
Friday, 14 March 2008
top 16
woot. took part in the weekly automated Battle.Net 1v1 tournament.. and came in top 16! first time reaching the finals =)
basically how the tournament works is that everyone joins at this time, say, 10AM. then you have 3 hours to play up to 8 games to get the highest possible score. The 16 players with the highest score qualifies for the finals, played knockout format.
I got off to an awesome start:

4 wins 0 losses! woo. the past 2-3 tournaments i joined was usually 2-2 or something like that.
Then after this i lost 2 straight games :/ but i came back and won the final 2, and i qualified!

you see that cute little crown thing next to my ranking? haha. that means i qualified =)
Not bad eh, 9th in the preliminary stage.
But in the finals i got knocked out in the first round :( just.. outplayed. i really need to improve . grawl.
basically how the tournament works is that everyone joins at this time, say, 10AM. then you have 3 hours to play up to 8 games to get the highest possible score. The 16 players with the highest score qualifies for the finals, played knockout format.
I got off to an awesome start:

4 wins 0 losses! woo. the past 2-3 tournaments i joined was usually 2-2 or something like that.
Then after this i lost 2 straight games :/ but i came back and won the final 2, and i qualified!

you see that cute little crown thing next to my ranking? haha. that means i qualified =)
Not bad eh, 9th in the preliminary stage.
But in the finals i got knocked out in the first round :( just.. outplayed. i really need to improve . grawl.
step up
Ah, just watched the show 'Step Up 2', and it was pretty good!
Well firstly, don't expect much from the plot, it's a very predictable feelgood show with many loopholes and underdeveloped characters, etc. That aside, the dance moves were AWESOME. From hiphop to pop and lock to just plain freestyle streetdancing, the dance moves will awe you as the dancers flip and somersault and just.. blow you away with their spellbounding moves.
I totally enjoyed the show as the dance was just good! if you have any interest in street dance or any of the abovementioned, you MUST watch this show. even if you have no interest.. just go watch too! You'll be amazed nonetheless
oh yea, the lead actress is CHIO! was pretty mesmerized by her =X hahaha.
and the other photos she doesn't look very good. but still. ah. she dances like a demon! (that's supposed to be a good thing) she can do this zhai vibrating thing. skilllleeddd.
go watch! =D
Well firstly, don't expect much from the plot, it's a very predictable feelgood show with many loopholes and underdeveloped characters, etc. That aside, the dance moves were AWESOME. From hiphop to pop and lock to just plain freestyle streetdancing, the dance moves will awe you as the dancers flip and somersault and just.. blow you away with their spellbounding moves.
I totally enjoyed the show as the dance was just good! if you have any interest in street dance or any of the abovementioned, you MUST watch this show. even if you have no interest.. just go watch too! You'll be amazed nonetheless
oh yea, the lead actress is CHIO! was pretty mesmerized by her =X hahaha.
and the other photos she doesn't look very good. but still. ah. she dances like a demon! (that's supposed to be a good thing) she can do this zhai vibrating thing. skilllleeddd.
go watch! =D
Thursday, 13 March 2008
POP loh
Under the pouring rain, 1000 or so boys (or men?) went through with the Passing Out Parade on the 12th of March, myself included. With the parade, these 1000 Recruits graduate from BMT and become Privates. The rain became heavier and heavier, but since soldiers are supposed to be strong, they can withstand the elements.
No CAT1 (when activities are halted cos of bad weather) as there was no lightning. No, they only bring you under cover when there is a risk of being struck by lightning, being soaked by torrential rain and blasted by strong wind is ok because soldiers are strong and will not fall sick or get pneumonia.
As i walked out with my mother from Pulau Tekong, towards the ferry terminal to take the ferry out to mainland Singapore, the message on the display screen flashed: 'Congratulations to all graduands and parents! '
Now i never knew the word 'graduand' existed, so i checked it up, and this was what it said:
" a student who is about to graduate or receive a degree"
Now now, i have ALREADY GRADUATED, so this is wrong! It should read 'graduate'. rawr.
Now as i enjoy my welldeserved 11 days of leave ( i didn't even bother to count it, i only know it's 11 cos someone else said so), i can reflect on the past 9 weeks (omg i just realised that 2 months = 9 weeks. i always thought was 8 weeks. Proof: from Jan 11 to Mar 12 = 63 days = around 2 months = 9 weeks!!)
I cannot be too elated - there's still another 1 year 8 months in army. And BMT is supposed to be the easiest part. :( rawr.
ok i just realised i ended my past 2 paragraphs with rawr. i must really think of a new way to end my paragraphs. anyway. I'm quite irritated that the bloggingbug hasn't bit me yet. When it does, i'm writing freely and it's usually (in my opinion) interesting (subjective, yes, but.. i believe so? :p) . cmon bug bite me. r.... grr gotta stop the rawrs.
Speaking of bugs, do you know that i've NEVER got bitten by a single mosquito in Pulau Tekong?? Yes it's freaking amazing but.. as far as i can remember, i dont recall any mosquito bites. If i did get bitten it's a freaking weak mosquito which gave me just minor bumps. Mosquito bite =a small surface area of slight swelling up and itchiness.
yes, through field camp, through everything, no mosquito bites. i've no idea why. maybe my body is naturally Tekong-mosquito-repelling
THEN, my first night after POP and maybe because of rainy weather, i woke up with not one but TWO mosquito bites! walao! the irony.
alright, i've ran out of things to say. i WILL miss BMT for sure, and my beloved welfare Falcon company. I think i will die in SISPEC (if i go there) cos my BMT was so damn slack. My platoon rarely got pumped, and my company is quite welfare. oh well. hope i get into Echo Wing (the supposed welfare company in SISPEC)
No CAT1 (when activities are halted cos of bad weather) as there was no lightning. No, they only bring you under cover when there is a risk of being struck by lightning, being soaked by torrential rain and blasted by strong wind is ok because soldiers are strong and will not fall sick or get pneumonia.
As i walked out with my mother from Pulau Tekong, towards the ferry terminal to take the ferry out to mainland Singapore, the message on the display screen flashed: 'Congratulations to all graduands and parents! '
Now i never knew the word 'graduand' existed, so i checked it up, and this was what it said:
" a student who is about to graduate or receive a degree"
Now now, i have ALREADY GRADUATED, so this is wrong! It should read 'graduate'. rawr.
Now as i enjoy my welldeserved 11 days of leave ( i didn't even bother to count it, i only know it's 11 cos someone else said so), i can reflect on the past 9 weeks (omg i just realised that 2 months = 9 weeks. i always thought was 8 weeks. Proof: from Jan 11 to Mar 12 = 63 days = around 2 months = 9 weeks!!)
I cannot be too elated - there's still another 1 year 8 months in army. And BMT is supposed to be the easiest part. :( rawr.
ok i just realised i ended my past 2 paragraphs with rawr. i must really think of a new way to end my paragraphs. anyway. I'm quite irritated that the bloggingbug hasn't bit me yet. When it does, i'm writing freely and it's usually (in my opinion) interesting (subjective, yes, but.. i believe so? :p) . cmon bug bite me. r.... grr gotta stop the rawrs.
Speaking of bugs, do you know that i've NEVER got bitten by a single mosquito in Pulau Tekong?? Yes it's freaking amazing but.. as far as i can remember, i dont recall any mosquito bites. If i did get bitten it's a freaking weak mosquito which gave me just minor bumps. Mosquito bite =a small surface area of slight swelling up and itchiness.
yes, through field camp, through everything, no mosquito bites. i've no idea why. maybe my body is naturally Tekong-mosquito-repelling
THEN, my first night after POP and maybe because of rainy weather, i woke up with not one but TWO mosquito bites! walao! the irony.
alright, i've ran out of things to say. i WILL miss BMT for sure, and my beloved welfare Falcon company. I think i will die in SISPEC (if i go there) cos my BMT was so damn slack. My platoon rarely got pumped, and my company is quite welfare. oh well. hope i get into Echo Wing (the supposed welfare company in SISPEC)
Friday, 7 March 2008
ok after some talking to friends and stuff.. i realised maybe my results aren't so good after all. from what i gather, there are so many people with straight As ! and that's just in SA, a lousy average school. what about schools like rj? hci? 90% straight As issit? ugh how i get my scholarship lidat
and im on a freaking losing streak in warcraft3. i think im just not good enough. keep getting outplayed by my opponents. i need more practice! ugh, gonna train during block leave.
tmr have to wake up at 5+ -_- just to get to boonlay by 715. stupid SAF send me to go visit that place. waste my saturday!! hope i can zhao early.
That song you picked was just so apt. It almost seems like you wrote it yourself
don't worry, i aint crushed
in fact, i think you are right
we just aren't meant to be together
and im on a freaking losing streak in warcraft3. i think im just not good enough. keep getting outplayed by my opponents. i need more practice! ugh, gonna train during block leave.
tmr have to wake up at 5+ -_- just to get to boonlay by 715. stupid SAF send me to go visit that place. waste my saturday!! hope i can zhao early.
That song you picked was just so apt. It almost seems like you wrote it yourself
don't worry, i aint crushed
in fact, i think you are right
we just aren't meant to be together
woo, just got back my A level results. and i did pretty well!
General Paper: B
:( grr. just couldn't get A for this. Never expected an A anyway.
Math, Physics, Chem, Econs : A
woot. the surprise was econs.. i have no idea how i got A. i never even came close to getting A before in JC.. and my Bs were all bare minimum Bs. like just on the dot. i think they moderated alot.
Mm, i dont think it's THAT good leh. i see got alot of other people getting 3, 4 As, and several with straight As. But still, thank God for helping me through the exam period, wouldn't have been possible without His strength.
And of course, my study partner through As- glad she did well too =)
Now i'm reading up on all the University applications, scholarship applications and stuff. Quite scary ah, almost like entering the next phase of life. I used 'almost' cos im still in my current shitty phase of NS -_-
So i saw that the scholarship applications were open.. so i went to the NUS application form and decided to start filling up.. fill fill fill.. until i saw the last box:
Describe in less than 2000 characters, an exceptional achievement that highlights your academic interests and intellectual capacity that would be of value to the NUS community."
!??!? Ok firstly why is it so weird, 2000 CHARACTERS. They want to test if you know how to use Microsoft Word issit. Or they scared people put too many commas and hyphens?
secondly... i have no freaking exceptional achievement!! I haven't done anything significant in life, i've been always ordinary and never like.. go the extra mile to do something. I dont even have anything that i can butter up and bullshit about!
arhghgh. how to apply scholarship lidat.
ok la, i think i go relack and play warcraft abit. then go back to thinking about my future. :p chowz.
General Paper: B
:( grr. just couldn't get A for this. Never expected an A anyway.
Math, Physics, Chem, Econs : A
woot. the surprise was econs.. i have no idea how i got A. i never even came close to getting A before in JC.. and my Bs were all bare minimum Bs. like just on the dot. i think they moderated alot.
Mm, i dont think it's THAT good leh. i see got alot of other people getting 3, 4 As, and several with straight As. But still, thank God for helping me through the exam period, wouldn't have been possible without His strength.
And of course, my study partner through As- glad she did well too =)
Now i'm reading up on all the University applications, scholarship applications and stuff. Quite scary ah, almost like entering the next phase of life. I used 'almost' cos im still in my current shitty phase of NS -_-
So i saw that the scholarship applications were open.. so i went to the NUS application form and decided to start filling up.. fill fill fill.. until i saw the last box:
Describe in less than 2000 characters, an exceptional achievement that highlights your academic interests and intellectual capacity that would be of value to the NUS community."
!??!? Ok firstly why is it so weird, 2000 CHARACTERS. They want to test if you know how to use Microsoft Word issit. Or they scared people put too many commas and hyphens?
secondly... i have no freaking exceptional achievement!! I haven't done anything significant in life, i've been always ordinary and never like.. go the extra mile to do something. I dont even have anything that i can butter up and bullshit about!
arhghgh. how to apply scholarship lidat.
ok la, i think i go relack and play warcraft abit. then go back to thinking about my future. :p chowz.
Saturday, 1 March 2008
a short post about nothing
when darkness turns to light
it ends tonight
it ends tonight
ah, it's kinda weird seeing civilisation only once a week. when i travel to places i haven't been in a while, i see new BUILDINGS being set up or buildings being torn down. and the area around my house suddenly became more handicap-friendly with railings all over and those ramp paths for wheelchairs
man, one thing i thank god for is my best friend. chris is really the.. role model of a best friend. If there's a national best friend campaign ill recommend her for it. haha. i really hope she adjusts to her school though. :/
i have a new ambition - i'm gonna train my warcraft3 skills. My goal is to reach the top 16 or 25 of any competition (e.g. some cyber gaming competition outside) , and maybe top 100 on battlenet (i'm currently 400++ )
It wont be easy, i have to improve alot more. and not as if ill be getting alot of time to play if i go to SISPEC. but it's a long term goal! like maybe.. within 2-3 years? =) rawr.
oh, and i have the most irritating thing on earth. HEAT RASH. ok maybe it's not heat rash cos as i google the treatments the symptoms seem to be different from what i have.
Ok i have like slight itchiness all the time. then at random times, usually when i just start exercising or get my body heated up.. WHAM. i feel like 20371208947 red ants just bit me on my back/neck areas. *)(@$&@Q painful can. and it comes in random waves. then sometimes it lasts for quite long. ill try not to scratch and pour water or sth. zz
pray for me that this rash will go away. it's killing me. has been there since field camp which means about 2 weeks!! :(
it ends tonight
it ends tonight
ah, it's kinda weird seeing civilisation only once a week. when i travel to places i haven't been in a while, i see new BUILDINGS being set up or buildings being torn down. and the area around my house suddenly became more handicap-friendly with railings all over and those ramp paths for wheelchairs
man, one thing i thank god for is my best friend. chris is really the.. role model of a best friend. If there's a national best friend campaign ill recommend her for it. haha. i really hope she adjusts to her school though. :/
i have a new ambition - i'm gonna train my warcraft3 skills. My goal is to reach the top 16 or 25 of any competition (e.g. some cyber gaming competition outside) , and maybe top 100 on battlenet (i'm currently 400++ )
It wont be easy, i have to improve alot more. and not as if ill be getting alot of time to play if i go to SISPEC. but it's a long term goal! like maybe.. within 2-3 years? =) rawr.
oh, and i have the most irritating thing on earth. HEAT RASH. ok maybe it's not heat rash cos as i google the treatments the symptoms seem to be different from what i have.
Ok i have like slight itchiness all the time. then at random times, usually when i just start exercising or get my body heated up.. WHAM. i feel like 20371208947 red ants just bit me on my back/neck areas. *)(@$&@Q painful can. and it comes in random waves. then sometimes it lasts for quite long. ill try not to scratch and pour water or sth. zz
pray for me that this rash will go away. it's killing me. has been there since field camp which means about 2 weeks!! :(
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