Saturday, 20 September 2008

week end.

okkk. this weekend is/was pretty good. played pool in the afternoon with darryl/pewi/daniel/tianen.. and i must say i've improved alot!! =) the benefits of playing pool everyday in camp.. hehe. i can make more shots that i usually can't, and .. im just playing better on a whole. woot woot.

and got to talk with bestie quite abit too . =) never fails to cheer me up.

but the weekend ill be looking forward to will be 2 weeks time! if nothign goes wrong, i'll have hello alotta fun that weekend. and be able to photospam =) hahaha. got lotsa appointments lined up. but first.. i have no idea whether i'll even be able to come out that weekend.

cos on 2nd Oct ill be posted to my permanent company... so ill join my men or sth. the problem is , they're on deployment (guarding the airport all that) at tha tmoment.. so if i have to join them...... means i cant come back!! :( :(
but if we're lucky then maybe.. wont join str away.. wait for them to come back. zz. i hope it's this case. otherwise my whole weekend will be ruined. ;(

alright, im really tired i needa sleep. it's like 1AM now and ive to wake up at 645am tmr to go play for worship. chowz.

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