Monday 7 January 2008



after several weeks (1-2 months actually, but if i said 'several months' it would sound quite long)
of playing Warcraft 3 : The Frozen Throne standard game on i finally got ranked!!

Ok how the system works is that when you win games, you gain experience, and get higher level. Then there is this ladder system which is like a ranking system la, ranking players based on their experience points.
And you are 'ranked' when you're in the top 1000 in the world (or on your server, at least.)

And i just got ranked!
Imma take screenshots cos i know it's very possible when i come home i'm not ranked anymore, cos the points are very very close.

tahdah!! ranked 990th in the world!! woohoo!


I'm so happy =) hope i can stay there as long as possible.

But i still haven't hit 150 wins yet.. cos get 150 wins can get another icon instead of the troll one that i'm using (see first picture). now only 132 wins ( orc wins).. 18 more to go before army. must must!

Bow down to ranked 990th player thank you thank you :p

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