Monday 29 October 2012

Halloween in the USA!

This year has marked a lot of firsts for me - first time staying in hall, first time going to the US... I won't make a list as it'll go on forever. It is also the first time I've attended a Halloween party! It wasn't my first time celebrating Halloween though, that was last year:

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="423"] Halloween 2011: Went to USS with the gf, bestie, and gwynnaho[/caption]

Anyway, back to the present. This party was organized by a Singaporean girl studying full-time in BU (well technically 2, they are housemates), and I kinda got the invite last minute but WHO CARES at least I got to go right haha.

So we went to the costume shop, and when I laid eyes on this, I knew I HAD to get this costume:

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="272"] Ghostface from Scream![/caption]

Now the first reaction from some people will be like 'boring!', 'overused!' , 'childish!', and I say I DONT'T CARE. You must understand one thing - Scream was my favourite childhood movie. Like really absolute favourite, the kind where people ask you 'Favourite Movie?' and I will SCREAM! (pun) (I didn't really scream.) And it's really childhood movie lor, 1996 was the first Scream!
I even wrote a review of the lastest (and probably last) of the franchise, Scream 4, over here.

Thus, to go as Ghostface can be said as one of my childhood dreams even? Though that's probably overstating it because I didn't really have an childhood dream of dressing up as anything at all haha. I did try to look around the shop a bit for other costumes but... nothing came close to this.

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="319"] Check out her knife 'wound' on her neck![/caption]

The party was about 10-15 minutes walk from my dorm, but I took the train there because I wasn't sure how to get there. And guess what - I wore my costume all the way there and back, mask and all! It was pretty fun, like on the train I saw this old lady trying to sneak a photo of me from afar, and I turned to her and sportingly raised my knife to pose and she laughed heartedly. At that moment, I felt the joy that all mascots/costumed characters probably feel when their 'audience' responds to their playacting in their roles (e.g. at Disneyland)

When I came out of my dorm and was heading out I also walked past a group of Chinese girls who were slightly freaked then as I walked past them I turned my head slowly towards them it freaked them out even more haha.

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="229"] Something like this. And I never knew cats could rotate their heads 180degrees[/caption]

So amusing random passerbys aside, I think the whole fun for me was taking pictures with other people. I'm not a get drunk and go crazy kinda person so I don't know what else I can do at a party hahaha. Besides catch up with long lost friends... but I didn't know most of the people there so it was semi-awkward.

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="312"] A downside of my costume is I have to remove my mask to be identified haha.[/caption]

My friends who sportingly posed afraid were my favourite pictures:

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="576"] BatGirl is afraid of Ghosface![/caption]

For more photos, you can head over to my Facebook album hereIt was a fun experience overall, but it further reinforces the fact that parties/clubbing isn't for me. I mean, I see most of what they were doing was just zi high (translation: force yourself to be high, and hope it perpetuates), which was kinda lame but I guess your judgement of lameness is impaired when you are intoxicated. Some examples are singing very loudly and doing outlandish actions to the songs. It can be fun I suppose... like singing along to a popular song. But I can only last that long before it gets old.

Sometimes I wish I was born with the gift of the gab instead of being smart and handsome (I'm kidding) (About the being smart and handsome part). I mean, someone who is a smooth talker can easily win over strangers even without being attractive (Of course, being attractive, you make people subconsciously like you more. Hey, proven in studies so all of you in denial, shhhh), can easily make more friends, etc.

Oh well. I should be glad I am born normal, with all my limbs intact, with normal intelligence, and can function normally. And I do already have some kickass friends. And blog readers.

1 comment:

  1. [...] I finally met the Singaporeans in Boston, after being there for 2 months and not even knowing them. Got to know Aldea, who pulled me into the freshie clique by asking me along with them multiple times, including a trip to NY for the entire Thanksgiving. Also got to know the other Year2s who are an AWESOME bunch of people and had multiple fun outings and dinners and even my first halloween party. [...]
