Monday, 30 August 2010
negative marking
Ok so for this module in my school, they employ this marking scheme for the MCQ exam called 'negative marking'. What this basically means is that for every correct answer we will get 1 mark, every wrong answer we will get -0.25 marks, and every blank we will not get any marks (or get 0 marks)
So comes the following question:
Would it better to leave any unsure questions blank, or simply guess all of them?
There should be a mathematical answer based on probability, so I shall set out to find this solution.
(all based on a 4-answer-choices MCQ)
The Basic Assumption
There is a basic assumption which we must make before we proceed, that is, there is a 1 in 4 chance of getting 1 mark, or 1/4 chance of getting 1 mark.
Some may be quick to point out that there are five options here, that is, 1 correct answer and 3 correct answers, AND the option of leaving it blank. Shouldn't it be 1/5?
The answer to that is simple, since leaving it blank is a definite 0 marks,(i.e. when you leave it blank, you KNOW for sure it is 0 marks, it is not a 1/5 chance that you will get 0 marks) it should be automatically excluded from the probabilities.
So with this basic assumption in mind, let's proceed.
It is noteworthy that all the examples will just be weighing if it's better to guess all or to leave them all blank. They will not consider a 'mixture' of guessing and leaving blank, since that is a separate matter altogether.
So with the 1/4 assumption, it follows that
- for every 4 guesses, you will get 1 correct.
Since the 4 guesses are for 4 random questions, this has to be correct; it is mathematically sound.
Let's start with a simple example, there are only 4 unsure questions and hence only 4 guesses you make in the paper.
4 guesses - 1 correct, 3 wrong
-> +(1x1) -(3x0.25) = +0.25
Thus, more beneficial to guess all.
How about 5 guesses? This would be slightly more complicated, since 1/4 of 5 is 1.25, and rounding up or down would result in an inaccurate answer.
To get a round number, we take a group of 4 people with 5 guesses each. Thus 'getting 0.25 correct' means out of a group of 4 people, 1/4 of them will get it right (means they have TWO correct) while the other 3/4 of them will get only one right.
[Read the explanation in these square brackets if you don't get why it's 3/4 will only get 1 right.
Let's simplify matters to just 4 people having 1 guess each. If they each have a 0.25 chance of getting it right, it means 1 out of 4 will get it right.
So why that 1/4 group in the example above gets TWO correct is because their odds state they will get the 1st '1' correct, just that the 2nd '0.25' is up for probability]
Thus for 5 guesses, there's a 1/4 chance we will get 2 correct (better to just guess all)
and there's a 3/4 chance we will only get 1 correct (better to just leave all blank, as 1 correct in 5 means +1 -1.25 = -0.25)
Therefore, for 5 guesses, there is a higher probability that you will get a negative mark than a positive mark for guessing.
HOWEVER. What you should do here is to leave 1 of them blank (to guarantee 0 marks, no negative), and guess the other 4 (which will be the same case as 4 guesses, which is beneficial as shown earlier.)
6 guesses will follow the same logic, leave 2 blank, and guess 4.
7 guesses onwards it is more beneficial to go for the +0.75 (you have a higher probability anyway) than to settle for the +0.25 of 4 guesses, 3 blank. Thus:
7 guesses (instead of 7 blanks) will result in a higher chance of getting +0.75 than the negative case (work it out yourself), same for 8 and 9 guesses.
10 guesses is another 50/50 chance as in the 6 guesses case, but this time it's either a positive or neutral (0 net marks) result, so it's better to take your chance and guess them all too.
And by further deduction you can see that subsequent greater number of guesses will always result in a higher probability of getting a positive mark. Thus for 7 guesses and above, it is more beneficial to guess all than to leave all blank.
Now let's take a step back and examine the last 3 numbers which we did not look at - 1, 2 and 3 guesses.
1 guess
You have a 1/4 chance of getting 1 mark, and a 3/4 chance of losing 0.25 marks. It's a no-brainer, better to just leave it blank and guarantee no negation since the negative result has a higher probability.
2 guesses
We have to look at this in the case of multiple participants again, since 0.25 x 2 = 0.5
So out of 2 participants, it follows that either one will get it correct. It's another 50/50 case.
50% -> You get 1 mark
50% -> You lose 0.25 marks
This is the only ambiguous case, where the advantage of securing '0 points' by not guessing at all is not clear.
3 guesses
0.25 x 3 = 0.75
Which follows that there is a higher probability that you will be in the group that gets 1 /3 correct (3/4 chance to be exact) which is a +1 - 0.5 = +0.5 benefit, hence it is better to guess all for 3 guesses.
If you have 1 unsure question, it is more beneficial (or mathematically sound) to leave it blank.
If you have 3,4 unsure, guess them all.
If you have 5 or 6 unsure, leave blank 1 or 2 respectively, and guess the remaining 4.
If you have 7 or more unsure questions, it is more beneficial (or mathematically sound) to guess them all.
If you have 2 unsure.. flip a coin to decide whether you should guess or not, as there is no clear mathematical advantage on either side.
Weiqin did a binomial calculation that more or less supports my noob calculations
Friday, 27 August 2010
(not) my psych mid term paper
Neural correlates on human intelligence refers to how our neural co-relates to human intelligence. A simple comparison can be made on the number of letters. Since neural has 6 letters and human intelligence has 20 (i can't really count very well that's why i'm doing psych), we can see no real relationship. Also, a human isn't really intelligent if not he wouldn't have to write this paper because he would know everything.
They are namely the side view, the top view, and the cross-sectional view. If we look at it from the side view, 'neural correlates of human intelligence' looks like this
And clearly this isn't a very good view, so we will put this on hold for the time being.
A second view is the top view, more popular than the side view because 'top' has fewer letters than 'side'. Also, 'top' is also a synonym for 'best', thus it lends credibility to its claim to be the best view. Just for illustration's sake, this is what the top view looks like
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
assuming very skinny letters of course.
And last but definitely not the least, which is what i believe is the best view of them all, is the cross-sectional view.
Now why do we think this is the best view (or rather why I think, and will hence try to make you think so because that's the point of writing such a paper. If I'm just trying to make myself think then I wouldn't be writing a paper, I will be talking to myself, which is what I'm doing in these parenthesis. Now isn't that an interesting word, 'parenthesis'. Doesn't really make any sense how it was formed. Like was it the thesis of some parent? anyway, i better get back to the topic at hand before you get bored)
As i was saying before i was so rudely distracted by my own mind, the cross-sectional view is the best one of them all. Not only does it have the most cool sounding name , it has the word 'cross' in it. Cross of course refers to the christianity, which of course means it is a very holy word.
But of course with a proper dictionary we all know it means (, 2010)
"a section made by a plane cutting anything transversely, esp. at right angles to the longest axis."
Thus if you see a Boeing 707 flying and it cuts a kite into half, at right angles of course, that is a cross section.
So you may ask, what exactly does it look like? of course it looks like this
[ ]
As we can see, this is clearly the best view of them all, although it looks slightly similar to the side view. This is because this has more space in between them, and we all know that space is the most important thing in the world today due to overcrowding.
In conclusion, I think it is essential we do not just take one view in isolation as that is never good. It is always best to take many views and unite them and get them to sing a song of unity to prove it and look at it on a whole, not as a half.
Thus concludes my brilliant term paper which you will give me full marks for because you are utterly blown away by my spectacular intelligence.
Sunday, 22 August 2010
let's all waste time with haiti
So at 8.40PM i plonked in front of my TV and supported the bunch of young boys kicking the ball; OUR bunch of young boys kicking the ball around, expecting to see some wizardry.
The first half was quite entertaining, with some BRILLIANT chances for Singapore.. who promptly missed about 3 OPEN goals. Yes, wide open goal but the receiving player could not head the ball down properly. Maybe it was too high.. maybe he is not used to headers.. maybe because he's only 14? -shrugs.
Whatever the case, I, as the couch soccer critic, is always correct right?
Anyway, in the last 5 minutes of the half, 2 dumb things occured.
Dumb Thing Number 1) For no real reason, after a slight collision in midair between the Singapore goalie and a Haitian striker, the goalie appears riled and steps up into the face of the Haitian to challenge him.
Could have easily been a yellow card for the goalie, but the referee just gives him a warning. Furthermore the goalie's face super cockyarrogant type, so makes him look more dumb and annoying.
Dumb Thing Number 2) After a Singapore substitution, a Haitian player turns past a Singaporean defender and fires a weak shot towards the goalie. Instead of catching it comfortably, he chooses to deflect the ball, even though it was flying straight at him. The ball flew into the oncoming path of a Haitian striker who wasted no time to drill the ball into the goal with his head.
Haiti 1, Singapore 0
Ok so that wasn't what made me make this blog post. It was the second half.
Before we go to that, here is what I believe the Haitian coach told his players in the dressing room during half time:
"Ok guys, good job grabbing that fluke goal despite Singapore dominating most of the first half. Now we have to do what we do best, WASTE TIME. I want every single one of you to waste as much time as possible. Fall to the ground and stay down longer, fake every possible injury as you can from head to toe, be creative!
I want all of you to clock at least 60 seconds each lying on the ground! And you better not let me see any of you run for a throwin/goalkick that is ours. Take your time!
And goalie, if you can do 10 stepovers on the ball before getting carded, I'll treat you to lunch tomorrow!"
So with that motivational speech, the Haitian players went out and DID JUST THAT.
To say the second half was painful to watch is an understatement. It was probably the most frustrating 40 minutes (YOG is only 40 mins a side) of soccer I've watched?
The Haitians were doing everything in the book to waste every second of time possible. Their players started rolling around on the floor after any slight challenge, grabbing random parts of their body and asking for a stretcher... DAMN ANNOYING. Like seriously if i was the paramedics carrying the stretcher i'll just 'oops' -drops player-
they kept this up for the whole entire 40 minutes. I was surprised the referee waited about 20+ minutes before starting to take out the yellow cards.
And the Haitian goalie.. oh wow. It started off with some casual strolling to retrieve a ball for a goalkick. Then on another possession he added a stepover when he was retrieving the ball for a goalkick. Then the last straw was on one occasion when he just casually strolled to get the ball, then on the way back he did multiple stepovers and casually pulled the ball around.
For that last instance the referee wasted no time running over to show him a yellow card - AND HE SARCASTICALLY APPLAUDED THE REFEREE - wtf??? isn't this an automatic second yellow card and a red? I know in NBA players will get a technical (or a 2nd one) if they applaud in mockery like that.
SRSLY. just book the whole damn haitian team so they will all be ineligible for the finals match and Singapore will go and take their place.
Super ridiculous man. Twitter is ablaze with hateful mean comments towards the Haitians and some are really quite bad.(as you can guess, many are related to the earthquake of course) I am tempted to throw in a couple of my own but.. I shall maintain my niceness. rawr.
K i better get to sleep, 10 hour day tomorrow. nite.
Saturday, 21 August 2010
Major Air Pollution Day
Whether be it just smoking a few extra sticks of cigarettes, having a few more BBQs, or simply joining the throngs of people who are engaging in the most productive activity - burning paper in big brown cans all over the country - you can do your part!
Yes, this is all in the bid to increase the air pollution levels because the PSI is far too low! Haven't you heard of the saying 'too much of a good thing'? We need to raise the levels so that there will be some nation-wide unity of concern and dispute such as when terrible food was served to YOG volunteers!
This will also make the climate better to live in! I know everybody is complaining about how COLD Singapore is, so to make it much more warmer and more comfortable to live in, let's burn more paper! All the excess smoke will help to trap heat which will explain today's soaring temperatures! Isn't that such a major relief?
Do your part today! Burn more paper!
p.s. on a side note, a similar post can be found here. Beware, it is extremely angsty! xD
Anyway, just gonna leave you with my first forum post on the Philosophy forums.. because for NUS for each module you take there's a forum. Then in the philo forum there were already alot of posts so I didn't want to be left out :p haha.
Not sure how much you're going to understand since it's a little out of context.. oh well.
The brown text is the original post of the person I replied to. The black text following it is my reply. Enjoy!
Philo Guy #1
following from Pelzar's lecture today, in my head came an idea to disprove determinism, and im not sure if its watertight, so u guys help me check it out?
assuming determinism to be true, it states (from lecture) that theorectically with enough information we can predict the future to 100% accuracy. either that or something like laplace's demon can know the future, with 100% accuracy.
also with determinism it follows that we make the choices we made because of forces we cannot control, that make us want and choose to, for example, eat an apple instead of a banana. now we are unable to change the fact that we will want to eat the apple, and that there will be nothing stopping us from eating that if with enough technical data one can predict the future, that you will want to eat the apple and that you eat it eventually. but because one is informed, he lets say, chooses to inform you that youre gonna end up eating that apple. you are now presented with foreknowledge, and if you dont believe in determinism, you would want to disprove it by eating the banana instead.
because you choose to be rebellious, in that sense, and assuming you are continually informed of your next predicted move, you are now capable of disproving that prediction, aka becoming unpredictable, so to speak. this i think becomes a paradox, as if you choose the apple, u will then know of it and choose the banana, and then back to the apple. i think it implies a shifting future, which to me is kinda indeterministic.
im not sure if this summarizes it but, with foreknowledge of events through study of atoms in the universe (theorectical, of course), it therefore implies that the casuality of events no longer follow a chronological order, that our future will affect our present. it also means determinisn does not hold true.
thats all ive got,
Alright, decided to start posting here since there are so many posts already. :) If I sound blunt or aggressive please forgive me, I'm just joining in the spirit of debate :)
Actually I was confused about the way Prof Mike defined 'determinism', when he kept including the mention of 'forces, of which we have no control, making us want to do something' when in actual fact determinism is simply "the philosophical view that every event, including human cognition, behaviour, decision, and action is causally determined by previous events"
I think this original definition, with the exclusion of the subject of 'forces' are clearer to explain what it is, when it simply is just a world of cause->effect.
The introduction of 'forces' make it seem like there's a divine being who maps out the plan for us, or that there is 'something' that we are trying to go against, when in actual fact, it is just a very simple model of cause->effect.
That aside, the theory of being able to acquire sufficient technical knowledge to 'predict outcomes' is more all-encompassing then you think. If you could actually ever acquire sufficient technical knowledge (which we all know is just a hypothesized point as it is impossible), this knowledge should be able to predict your rebellious nature as well.
I.e. The cause of you wanting to disprove determinism is because of taking PH1102E and disagreeing with the concept.
The cause of you disagreeing with the concept is because of how your mental faculties have been equipped and developed.
etcetc (leads back to your genetic state, blabla)
Thus, there is no way that you can 'fool' the system, because if you could, it would mean such a system isn't 'sufficient technical knowledge' already as it has failed to predict that. So if you want to argue for your point, you have to assume that it is a perfect system that can predict your decision, and hence you can never 'fool' it.
So to summarize, if you want to assume the hypothesis that we can attain sufficient technical knowledge to predict future occurences, this very hypothesis will automatically refute any arguments you put forth against determinism due to its circular nature.
And just a concluding point, I feel determinism is quite hard to argue against, and the only contender i can see is from the theory of quantum mechanics, which implies that things may spontaneously occur, like mini Big Bangs. (this is my shallow understanding of the concept, my apologies if I totally misrepresented quantum mechanics) and hence evade the irrefutable logic of determinism.
Friday, 13 August 2010
we are #1!


Me and BenCheok are now Rank 1 in our division in Starcraft 2! For 2v2s. hahaha. It's not THAT much of a big deal, because there are many many divisions for Gold league, and there is still platinum league, diamond league which are the pool of players who are much better than us.
But still! rank 1! yeaaa .
Huh what? What about my readings? school? what what?
Tuesday, 10 August 2010
back to school
The last time I was in school was November 2007, when i took my Physics paper if I'm not wrong. Of course I'm not counting the other times when I returned to school such as to collect results, etc, just the period when I was still studying.
Now, almost 3 years later (2 years 9 months to be exact), I'm about to embark on my studies again. This time it's going to be for FOUR years at one institution, the longest i've been anywhere in the past 4 years. (only 2 years in JC, 2 years in army)
Like all good students should (lol), I have had several goals laid out, some realistic, some not so.
1) Graduate with First Class Honors
Yes yes, stop looking at me with those judgmental eyes. (oh i never knew 'judgmental had no 'e' after g) Of course it is every student's dream to achieve the best results possible right!! Unless you're some extremely under-ambitious person who doesn't hope to succeed in life.
Then again, this is very very optimistic seeing how I'm likely to fail one module in my first sem (FRENCH lol gg) ... i guess I'll set a new target with regards to this goal after my first sem, need to see what kind of CAP i can actually attain in uni.
2) Study 2 extra hours a day (minimum)
With an eye on goal number one, this is the action plan of course. I aim to hit the books at least 2 hours everyday, whether it's just casual reading of the textbook or actual memorization. Actually I may have to tweak this to be abit more because I'm sure there'll be homework and stuff. This is meant to be EXTRA , on top of the regular workload.
3) Make many many friends
This may seem trivial to many people, but it is actually quite big for me.
Those who know me well will know I'm quite an introvert by nature - I don't mind spending hours to end at home playing computer games, and would turn down invitations to go out with friends ; I don't mind wandering around school and studying alone in the library.
I'm just not naturally outgoing or anything. The feeling to interact doesn't come naturally. Like you know, how our feeling of hunger comes naturally when we smell food, or when the feeling of pain comes naturally when we get pricked with a pin. I don't naturally want to go out and interact with people.
However, after evaluating the pathetic state of my social life, I have decided to break this shell and go out and make more friends! rawr. Hence the signing up for camps, hence the quitting of WoW (part of the reason of my quitting was of course Goal #1), hence the change in my mindset.
Also linked to this reason is 3b) - find a girlfriend. hahaha. I mean, after my studies, I'm going to be in the workforce, and assuming I get a common usual job, I'll be seeing the same few people for a long time, not like in Uni when we are constantly interacting with new people. If there's any better time to get attached, it is now! lol. ok matchmake me now kgo.
I think those are the 3 main goals, yes. You may argue that #2 is actually a subset of #1 but ... who cares. Fine, 2 main goals. Of course there are other minor goals such as keeping fit/getting a nicer bod, getting into Dean's List at least once, etc but i won't list them all.
Now one worrying thing that may kill off ALL THREE goals is - I'm getting hooked on Starcraft2! I'm starting to really enjoy the game and learning the different strategies. And after losing TEN straight games (fml i was at 60% win rate before this, i think now 40% or something) in 1v1 matches , the desire to go learn and read up more and learn more is ever so strong! I must be better!
okok i hope when school starts (on thursday -_- i dont have lessons these 2 days when others have because of the modules i chose) and i get my textbooks I will be more interested in studying and spend more times on my books.
And i just went on a shopping spree earlier! Sheesh I feel so ashamed of myself spent so much money! Broke broke. Well I didn't exactly buy alot of expensive things, just many many average-priced things such as :
- a new pen, pencil, pencil lead, foolscap(history of how 'foolscap' came along) paper, pencil case(all these average price of 2 dollars)
- berms, haversack/bag, (ave $20)
- 6 pairs of ankle socks ($9.90 for 3 which I thought was quite cheap)
- shoes! I've wanted this for really long just never got about to buying it. Finally bought a pair today! $40. It's those white covered shoes that like the whole male population was wearing last year or something? hahaha.
Ok that's really alot of things damn. And i'm still going to spend more on textbooks !! Like my projected spending for textbooks is probably about $200? That's with the estimation of $40 for each module which may turn out to be more. :S
need to save money!! grr. My only source of income now is my tuition which is about 50-60 dollars a week. And I also want to go for exchange in year 3 so.. need to start saving!
Ok wow this post is really long and really random. If you really read every single word.. I salute your determination and am grateful for your interest in my life :p kudos !
and yes, off to playing SC2 =X
Sunday, 8 August 2010
The O Week Blog Post
Then because the stayovers i didn't sleep for most of them (the 2nd one i slept about 1-2 hours? ), the whole 7 days felt like 4 days only.
Day 1 (Sat and Sun)
So the camp was scheduled to start at 3pm on Saturday.. So I went there with an apprehensive feeling, don't know what to expect! The general feel was pretty good, the facils all quite enthu on the first day, the OG was super big (for the moment) (like 20 ppl?)

Didn't see half the people here after the 2nd day.
So we played some mass games.. and more games.

This was taken during night games of the first day.. these were all the guys we had in the OG.. 90% of them were not around 80% of the time subsequently -_- I was the most onz one , everyday come. grr.
This game we played just before this photo was taken was quite sick though.. we had to use our shirts and soak in this pail of water and from the 2nd storey squeeze it into cups held by the girls below.. i can imagine them grossing out from the sweat-water combination oozing out from upstairs hahaha.
So yea, we stayed over that night, I stayed up the whole night with some people just talking about random stuff... and it rained on Sunday so we couldn't have the programme we were supposed to have :( So in the end just went home after lunch.
Day 2 (Mon and Tues)
Mon was Freshmen Inauguration Ceremony.. which was at freaking 8am in the morning or something! Sorry, I can't wake up so early (no idea how i'm going to wake up for my 8AM french lecture every wednesday)
So in the end i went at about 1+ to school.. and there was noone there -_- As in, noone from the OG. then when those people who went for FIC came back (only about 7 ppl?) it was quite pathetic also. Like you see other OGs have like 20 people and we're like less than half of that.
Random people started coming at random times, because at night it was Social Night!
It was supposed to be some clubbing kinda thing, got loud music and Mambo. But i thought it was quite fail.. the first half of the programme just involved getting guys on stage and taking off their shirts (fml stupid girls-heavy faculty) , the 3rd quarter was some performers and the last quarter was finally the Mambo.
Some pictures we took:

That wet patch on my shirt is damn fugly i know... i think it's like, perspiration. :( ew. I don't know why it was so oddly placed though. Like, i only have sweat glands on my right chest lolol.

I really like this picture!! I don't know why.. i think maybe because we all look quite good? These 2 are Si En and Mun Ching, both freshmen facilitators of my group. Prob the 2 girls I talk to the most this camp. Don't feel v close to them tho... maybe they dont like me :( dunno.
Like for psych camp i was close to chonghui, huijun, darren. Really can feel the closeness one!
Yes, her name is Munching. Like, Munching is munching on munchy food. hahaha.
(ok a side random note, FB is really annoying me. Because I'm taking all these photos from FB, but the thing is I can't click 'next pic' to go to the next picture, so i have to click 'Photos of Alan' then scroll to that page then click on the pic i want from the thumbnail page. Like 3 steps instead of one. damn troublesome!)
So after the mambo .. we went to Chi Pang's (yes, his name is Chi Pang. like chicken wing. hahaha) house to play Rock Band!! My first time playing!

Girl on bouncy ball is Chmel.. she is DAMN zhai at the drums.. she play expert and clear quite easily. Just that she can't do the pedal so she keep asking me press for her . damn tiring can.

No picture of me playing because I was the one taking these photos. I only played the drums , cos i can't sing and I tried the guitar before in guitar hero i think.
Then Tuesday was Flag! Like you know, Flag Day. Where you hold the tins and walk around and
It was because we had a mass dance at cineleisure!! I really enjoyed it, one of the few choreo dances i've taken part in (apart from the lame mass dance in JC), and though i suck at learning choreo, i like it :)
There is a video but noone seems to have uploaded it. I wanna see! Tho abit embarassing, the video can see me and I'm abit laggy cos i keep forgetting haha.

The hardworking people who flagged for charities.

This is what you do when you don't sell much flags (those stickers are called flags right?) and your sticker paper looks too full so you need to empty it abit.
There are actually more pictures of us playing with the stickers but Chmel didn't upload them so.. :(
Day 3 - Beach Day! (Wednesday)
We went to Sentosa to play some games! The games were generally quite fun, and i almost lost my specs in the sea!! Damn scary la, like go into the water then come out and no specs. It's like.. how the hell do you find a pair of spectacles in the sea. But somehow Shaun managed to pick it out for me.
Alot of photos on FB if you want to see all can go and see! I'll just pick out some of my favourites.

Haha Nigel (top left guy) has his eyes closed. Probably one of the biggest turnouts besides the first day, because everyone loves Beach Day!

Ok let me explain this photo. We were playing one of the station games, and this game was basically like there is a waterbomb like 10 metres away. So it's a OG vs OG thing, one at a time each group will have one person who has to roll across the sand (imagine a log rolling) and reach the water bomb, then pick it up and smash it on the opposite OG's person.
How they picked people was that we were assigned numbers before the game, then the station IC will give a 'riddle' like how many legs does a spider have? then the #8 person of both OGs have to go.
So it was halfway in the game when the riddle's answer was my answer but i didn't catch the question.. Then the other group's girl started rolling already. Then i only realised it was me when she was HALFWAY on the course. Then i just dived to the sand and basically rolled so fast then i overtook her! hahahhaa. look at this picture, i'm already grabbing my waterbomb and she's nowhere to be seen lol.

The sun was making this nice golden glow on our faces! So we took quite a few pics like this.

Another golden pic.

Isn't this damn cool? It's 100% natural, no photoshop at all!! I don't know what happened to the camera lens, like it was semi-open or something. So this was the result. Damn cool right!! The whole effect.

Trying to spell 'Karma' (my group's name was Skarma), though i think our M quite ugly.

SKARMAAA. Last shot at the beach before we went over to Harbourfront to grab dinner.

We were on the way back after eating and all.. then we all suddenly realised Munching was barefoot! (fyi there's no such word as barefooted)
It was only then that she told us that she lost her slippers at Sentosa! And she was damn nonchalant about it! Like oh, no big deal. She's damn amusing la.. like she says she loses things very often so it's like, nvm one :S
So she basically went home all the way without wearing any footwear -_-
Day 4 - Thurs and Friday
Let's see.. Thursday was 'Sports Day', but it was essentially just station games though they claimed it was supposed to be more 'sporty'. Didn't see how it was though.
Oh yea and.. the supposed meeting time was 10AM in school.. i came at 10.15AM expecting to be slightly late.. and there were only like 15 people in the entire S HOUSE. -_- (one OG has like, 20 people). And by 11 or something there were only 7-8 people in my OG la -_-
So demoralising, like i so on come then like everybody pon. I heard arts camp was better because it's a stayover camp, so you don't go home and don't feel like coming back. O Week wasn't stay over (for all days) so it encourages people to pon -_-
Dammit man i should've gone for arts camp. stupid reservist. (i had reservist during arts camp)
And erm, there aren't any photos of this day. I think too few people come then noone wanna take photo lol.
The stayover was okok lor.. played some random games like 'I never'.. and I think i established my 'i'm a nice guai guy who haven't done alot of dirty things' image because like.. all the things i never do before lol. I shan't mention them here.
Had a nice chatting session with Joy. Munch and Tengyong after supper. Didn't sleep at all! If you exclude the -close eyes for 30 minutes because really felt like KOing and then have to wake up because we had to clear the room- part.
Felt super shack la! then somemore still got war games in the morning.. which were basically very dirty station games. Erm, dirty as in, messy dirty. Not pervertic dirty. yea.
Like, roll in the mud, having chilli sauce smeared on my body, sitting on flour + hershey's syrup.. yadayada.
There are some photos but I'm like bare body in some so i shy. HA.
then after that we just waited around for Rag to start(exhibition of floats made by all the faculties with some dances), had some prize presentation (damn i didn't win best freshie rawrrr. Always like that, my facils tell me they vote for me then i always never get. psych camp also lidat) but my House won the best house!! Go S House!!

We're doing our trademark S House signal.. We will slap our chest and do a hitler like gesture like this and go 'SUI AH'. Quite fun to do la, when all do together. Got the 'sehh' one k.
There is actually a video of us doing the S House cheer which i stumbled upon on FB.. but the cheer quite dirty one hahaha so i don't wanna post. I'm a guai boy remember? :p
Yuppp and that's a wrap!
I went to camp wanting to have fun, and i did, i was enthusiastic about everything and took part in everything. I really think whether you have fun is a choice, you just have to change your mindset.
Like i could easily have gone all emo and start ponning when i saw people not turning up.. but i just kept going and kept being ... fun? ahha.
I don't feel like I've forged any really really close friendships, though that is yet to be seen. Like maybe will somehow suddenly click very well with some people and study alot with them? lol i dunno. optimistic me.
Sure will see/meet up with my OG mates when school starts, hopefully can have some good friends that will last for life!!
Ok, time to go spend my remaining free time to play some more SC2, when school starts must mug like a toad!
(how did the term mugger toad come about anyway? A toad doesn't study and sure doesnt use a mug or resemble a mug. why is mugging = studying anyway? )
Saturday, 7 August 2010
ukulele ukelele
some random tag words so i can Ctrl F it next time
ukulele ukelele cute boy
This is my happy pill.. if im sad or what i can just watch this and instant smile hah.
Wednesday, 4 August 2010
o o o o o
My OG is o-k i guess.. not as bonded to them as i was with my psych camp facils but yea, can still bond. bunch of fun crazy people. My mood was partially dampened by people ponning and not turning up.. but oh well I'll still be onzz and go for everything rawr. (besides FIC which was at 730AM you can't expect me to wake up for that!!)
totally like the concept of recurring OG every year, i'll definitely come back for next year's camps :)
Alot of pictures up on FB already.. i shall take my favourites and post them here at the end of everything when everything is up k ;D