Friday 5 September 2014

New Fitness routine

So... after a long hiatus I decided to start gymming properly again. Well, I was already gymming since I started work at the pathetic gym near my workplace, but it is missing a Squat rack and a Bench rack, so I couldn't do those two all-important compound lifts. Plus I still stuck to my 3 day mixed routine, which wasn't giving me any noticeable gains, apart from a slight increase in definition in my arms.
During this time, there was a period of maybe a month where I increased my diet too, eating an extra snack each day of usually chicken fillets and drinking a banana milkshake every afternoon. I'm not sure how much that really helped apart from packing on some stubborn tummy fat, but I did gain 3 kg in the 3 months.

This may or may not be me, with a slight post workout-pump, and sucking in tummy.

Now, I will be starting on a 4 day split routine - chest, arms, rest, back, shoulders (I do squats with chest day, and crunches with back day) - and hope this routine gives me more gains. I'll evaluate the overall routine again in 3 months. I'm a bit lazy to up my diet again, due to the extra costs/time, but I know this will limit my gains too. Sigh. It's tough to get bigger.

I will be logging my progress over at , so as not to flood this blog with such boring posts. Ok bye!