Thursday 26 December 2013

I can't haz moneys

Ok this is quite annoying.

Just a few days ago, I was pleasantly surprised when my friend sent me a Whatsapp:











Apparently one of her friends had shared my blog on his Facebook feed, helping to publicize this blog. More importantly, I'm glad that I'm making an impact to inspire others to write module reviews too (I just hope certain objective standards are upheld!)

Anyway, this may or may not have contributed to it (probably not), but I got a notification from Wordpress saying 'Your stats are booming!'. I went to check and this was what I saw









As you can see, there was a certain spike on Dec 24th.  How big was this spike, you may ask. On average, I get 100-200 views a day (close to 100 uniques average). On 24th Dec, I got almost 1000 views (500 uniques)


Well the most logical explanation is that it was because results were released that day. I'm not sure why people are googling for module reviews when results just come out, but I guess some sort of relief/panic mode set in then. I foresee another spike when CORS opens.

ANYWAY. The whole point of this is to complain about something - seeing the fairly decent stats, I thought of monetizing this blog. So I went to check out several options... Nuffnang, Google. Guess what.





Ok it's kinda silly I'm getting upset over this because I started out doing these reviews not for money anyway. But it's because of the 'success' of the blog that made me WANT to get money out of it. Success is bad! It makes you crave more. I have to learn to remember the intrinsic motivation I had when I first started doing this. Oh well. Anyway, I'm just doing one more semester of this.

It's a good learning lesson really. We have to remember why we started out doing something we enjoyed, and don't let our success get to our heads. Passion keeps us going forever. Money only lasts till it's spent.




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