Friday 8 June 2012

I know who realFASS is!

For those of you who are unfamiliar, @realFASS is a parody/fake account of NUS FASS, and it has been running for over a year now, with its tweets revolving around random comments on current affairs, lame jokes and NUS-related tweets.

Some examples would be:

"#12daysofFASS" series where it tweeted a modified version of the song '12 days of Christmas', with a FASS/NUS theme.

"BREAKING: Criminal who failed English in Primary School has just broke out of prison!
He could never complete a sentence"

"#thatawkwardmoment when you are studying in CL and you stretch your legs and accidentally kick the person sitting across you."

And so on. They also had a blog which I made no secret about contributing to.

So, after a long time, I finally found out who was behind the @realFASS twitter account! -drumroll







The person is ME!

dum dum dum.

Yes, I didn't just blog for realFASS; I AM realFASS. I was the sole tweeter of that account, and I created it sometime in my freshie year because I was appalled at how terrible the existing 'parody FASS account' was (@fakeFASS). One year and 1500+ followers later, I have way surpassed my personal expectations (@fakeFASS kinda died out after @realFASS emerged) and am happy with what I've done.

Why I'm suddenly announcing this is because... I plan to retire the account. I haven't been tweeting regularly on it for quite a long time already (I averaged multiple tweets a day back when it was active), and have kinda lost the drive to do it, especially with all the bad copycat fake accounts up now. (realfass was created BEFORE the wave of fake school accounts began popping up. trendsetter yo.) I definitely won't be in touch with school happenings in the coming semester too, as I'm going to the US.

If anyone is interested in taking over, drop me an email : atqhteo [at] gmail [dot] com

Let's take a walk down memory lane of some of my favourite tweets :)

And some hashtags I started:

And another:

Fun times.

The blog posts are also worth reading, e.g. one about Steven Lim and another about Twitter Warz.

Yupyup. If you were a follower of that account, thanks for the support! If not... why didn't you! Alright, that's all I have for this post.


RIP  @realFASS (2010-2012)

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