Sunday 12 July 2009


ok i had the most shitty cab driver just now.

he was some indian (ok anti-racist people are raising eyebrows here but i cant be bothered) cabby who TOTALLY SUCKED.

1) He drove at about 50km/h for the whole journey. HELLO? It's not a military vehicle ffs. you CAN go above 50 and not get into any trouble or anything.

2) He slowed down about 200-300m away from a traffic light. what?!?!? i know it's a safety practice to slow down as you're approaching a light so you have time to react if the light changes.. but he slowed down REALLY FAR AWAY. and even when he's really close like 20 metres away he still drives at the slowed down speed! it was really ridiculous.

3) When the cab reached my house, i asked to pay by netts. so he VERY SLOWLY reached for his spectacles and SLOWLY put it on. THEN, he pressed the stop on the meter, during which it jumped by 20cents.
I raised this to him, and guess what he said:
"Aiya, 20cents nevermind la, you one day also spend more than that, very little only"

It's not a matter of the money, it's the principle of the matter. It's about.. honesty? Even if it was freaking 1 cent i also wont be happy.

anw the purpose of this entry wasn't to bitch about cab drivers but who ask this indian cabby to piss me off. grr.
The point was.. i'm freaking extravagant now la!

I'm taking cabs everywhere i go (well basically to and fro church) which is really quite waste money. And for my meals.. the price really isn't a consideration at all. NOT AT ALL. it's like i decide what to eat based on what i feel like eating. In the past will still like check wallet, see got how much.. see whether too ex.
now.. it doesn't matter! i just order!

not to mention the miscallaneous spending on snacks.. drinks. which in the past i'm always very stingy about. cos my funds were limited . lol.

and i think this is very bad cos i'm spending alot of money. well not alot, but .. it's kinda waste money. must be more thrifty!
gosh, i hate this rollercoaster emotional feeling. i really need to stop _______ ___. but how do you douse a raging fire? how do you calm a tornado? how do you stop this whirling dizzy feeling i feel about ______?
somebody save me.

Wednesday 1 July 2009


next time i book in after tmr, which is sunday (booking out on sat) , ill be in for 3 weeks. how awesome. what flawed logic does the army have huh. dont want us to go out and catch h1n1 -_-
lame ass.

Tuesday 30 June 2009


Ok before my insightful post(lol k not really, just actual blogging that isn't about wow), some screen caps from WoW

couldn't screenshot this properly, it's actually fireworks! haha when i turned 80 the gamemaster actually sent this package to my mail (yes there's mail in WoW) and inside got fireworks

a bunch of level 80s lining up to take picture. haha

we were on our way to the enemy cities to complete some achievement.

killing the Alliance leader


anyway, i'm still at home, on MC till tomorrow, but only going back on thurs cos those ppl in camp have been there since last monday and they're getting 2day off.

Yes, my ownage MC was 6 days! cos i was sent to TTSH to check for h1n1 and since i had the symptoms i think the doctor just spam the MC. but i didn't have h1n1 la.

anyway it's quite ridiculous there are like hundred new cases everyday.. sooner or later this is gonna be a normal flu strain and scientists are gonna tell us 'hey! we found a way to prevent it from mutating into a more deadly strain of bird flu ! or sars! or anything deadly!' which is why we're so scared of it in the first place right. Cos it's so contagious and it may mutate.

Even news says so.. today's 'headline' news about h1n1 (remember when h1n1 used to dominate the front page? now it's relegated to size 12 in the small column on the left of ST front page) is "H1N1 country listing stopped"

which is basically saying yknow last time they say avoid mexico... blabla. all those alot of h1n1 one. now.. they abolish the list! why? cos "it becomes less useful, as the whole world, including Singapore, sees more cases".
So in other words.. i think may come to the point let's say country A has 1234 cases. then it's on the list. then one day... singapore actually has more cases than them! so omg howhow. migrate there.

Another change in attitude thing: (from ST)
"For example. the definition of who is regarded as a "close contact" of an H1N1 patient has changed considerably. When it first appeared, a close contact was anyone who had been near the infected person. Now, it is defined as anyone who has been within 2m of an infected person for an hour or more without any protection, such as a mask. Soon, it will be anyone who is within 5m of someone who has touched the railing that the person who has waved hi to the H1N1 patient grabbed on the MRT"

Haha ok i added the last sentence in. but it's true isn't it?

Anyway for Singapore as of today have 629 cases, and last night got 30 new ones (Source : ST) (last night? so yday morning leh) But previous day was 100+ ? Not v sure. but let's say everyday has 100 new cases. It will probably get worst (says everybody), so let's say every week the average increases by 100.
Week 1: 100 x7
Week 2: 200x7
Week 3: 300x7

Singapore's population is 4.6 million (i think) .. so how long will it take for the whole of Singapore to be infected ?

LOLOL I JUST CREATED AN A LEVEL MATH QUESTION. if this comes out for A levels must pay me k. copyright.

ok la see i play WoW still got time to read newspapers, blog, so good right. so not addicted. lalalala.


k i'm kidding i'm fine really. it's good to take a break also. kinda tiring to play the whole day yknow! time for dinner now and after dinner.. probably go play guitar or read more newspapers. chowz!

scroll down and highlight the blank space for the answer to the math question-
Answer: 114 weeks! it will take 2 years for us all to get infected! got enough time to set up a house in some safe location (like antartica) and set up a business there! (like igloo construction)

1 x 100 x 7
2 x 100 x 7
3 x 100 x7

Week 3 = (1+2+3) x700
Week x = (1+2+3+ ... +x) x700

So to get the answer we need to take 4.6mil divided by 700 and find what is x in (1+2+3+...+x)

4600000/700 = 6571 (rounded down)

x = 114!

(1+2+3+... +114 = 6555)

ok i'm sure there's some formula to find it faster but i basically manually added 1+ 2 + 3 until 114. lolol. if you find out the formula do let me know. k chowz.

p.p.s OMG ok after winsome tagged i suddenly remembered the formula for this. This is just an arithmetic progression! (AP) . haha ok damn easy now. ok yes this is damn easy for an A level student you better know how to do if you'r etaking As.