Monday 9 April 2012

Damn, I ONLY got an A-

This blog entry has to do with the issue of complaining - how do you know when and how to complain?

You're probably scratching your head thinking I have lost it. I'm asking how to ... COMPLAIN?? Isn't that supposed to be Singaporean's #1 pastime besides eating and watching soccer? Well, the problem comes when you consider empathetic thoughts - when you start to consider other people's feelings. Let's go through several scenarios and you'll see what I mean.

Sunday 8 April 2012

[S] How to Remember my Blog URL

You may think it's difficult to remember the number of Zs in my blog URL. Is it alanz? alanzz? alanzzzzzzz? Why the heck do I even put Zs?

Well, I don't have a quirky nickname like mrbrown or xiaxue or anything, (my gaming nick is probably too hard to remember) and I want to retain some individuality in the URL (and not like averageboi194.wordpress or something).

SO. It's very simple.  How many letters does my name have?. A-L-A-N.


That means 4 Zs.

There we have it. alanzzzz

Saturday 7 April 2012

[S] Early Development

After my exams, I will be trying to revamp my blog. Some things that I hope to do:

  • Use a better layout (gonna ask the gf to help =X Wonder if she will haha)

  • Update the sidebar ---->

  • Add labels to as many (if possible, all) of my posts as possible. (e.g. humor, school, TV, etc)

I really love blogging, just that with Twitter and Facebook as more convenient alternatives (Twitter you can just microblog, and Facebook you just upload the photos and add captions, whereas in the past I would add photos and write stuff in a blog entry) it's hard to overcome the lazy nature in me to actually write a blog entry.

Anyway, I'm starting this new thing of 'mini blogs', which is something like a short thought I had that is too long to be expressed on Twitter. Yes, I know Twitlonger can probably accomplish the same thing, but I kinda want them to be archivable. These posts will be recognizable by the [S] in front of the title, meaning 'Short/small'.