"Remember son, only go for the dull yellow flowers!" said Momma Bee.
"But why, Momma? I like the bright yellow flowers! Their nectar is sweet and succulent they have a nicer shape!" said Little Bee.
"Son, those bright yellow flowers are waay out of your league. You need to be bigger and have longer feelers to be able to go for them. You just can't afford to go for them!"
Little Bee flew away angrily, buzzing as it went nectar-hunting. Little Bee loved yellow flowers. He would rather keep hunting for nectar in yellow flowers than blue or violet flowers like his male counterparts. Yellow flowers were generally for female bees as it suited them better.
As Little Bee was flying around, he saw a bright yellow flower in the distant. It was pretty and attractive, though not as attractive as other flowers he had seen before. It had a nice flowery shape, and looked very inviting. His momma's advice returned to his thoughts.
"Who cares, i'm a capable and strong bee, i can do it!"
Little Bee nosedived down towards the bright yellow flower and attempted to go for its nectar. It wriggled through the petals and tried to reach the nectar hidden deep inside. He tried and he tried but it was very difficult as it was deep down and the path was tricky.
Will he succeed? Find out in several days.
Question: If God is all-powerful, can he create something that he cannot control? If he can't, isnt he not all-powerful? If he can, isn't he not all-powerful?
argh, the spiral of paradoxes.
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