ok ive had quite a few people questioning my last 2 lines of my previous post, so just want to clarify - obviously i meant it in a humorous way.
and anyway firstly about the 'pretty ' gf -go ahead call me shallow, but no matter how much one can deny it, looks DO matter. Even if you totally love the person for his/her personality, he/she HAS to look at least pleasing to you if you're gonna spend the rest of your life with her!
(imagine your gf going 'hey honey let's take a pic' and she sees you wince.. GG )
I don't need (or want) to have a dropdead-gorgeous gf (like cassandra ^^ ), like what they say, the prettier she is, the harder she is to hold on to.
Furthermore, many people have commented that my judgement of prettiness is quite low (or i easily say a girl is pretty) , so, when i say 'pretty gf' it probably spans a wide category.
and no i'm not going to blow my A levels just because of a game. i think. Sure i think it's fun and addictive like hell, but i'm still gonna study. and ill get out of the house to study if i have to.(thanks study partner)
and johnmelchizedek, get a life and stop spamming my tag with nonsense. go make cheryl pregnant or sth.
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