Friday, 7 January 2011

pre-Semester 2 Module Review 10/11

As a precursor to my midterm/afterfinals review of my modules, I thought it'll be good to have an 'initial thoughts' thing about my modules for this semester.

So for this sem, Semester 2 of AY10/11, the modules I am taking are:
PH2110 - Logic (a philosophy module)
PL2132 - Research and Statistical Methods 2
PL3232 - Biological Psychology
PL3235 - Social Psychology
SSB2216 - Employee Management in Singapore

Read on after the page break for my short breakdown of each module and why I'm taking it.

PL3232 - Bio Psych
One of my 5 core modules for Psych (i.e. compulsory) , and because the girlfriend wanted to clear it while she still has her A level bio knowledge in mind, I decided to take it as well this semester.
One of my most dreaded core modules, because I just don't really like Biology, and this branch of Psychology is probably my least favourite one. Already read through the first lecture's lecture slides and already dreading it. Hope I can get at least a B+ for this mod :(

PL3235 - Social Psych
Another core mod which I have to clear eventually, so might as well take it. Sounds the most interesting among all the core mods (aside from Abnormal Psych) and supposedly the most slack one too. We'll see. Hope to get an A.

PL2132 - Stats 2
A follow-up from Stats 1, also a compulsory core mod. REALLY dread the readings for this mod, because it sounds ridiculous. There are THREE textbooks for it. And we're supposed to read 15 chapters within the first 2 weeks. Is that even humanly possible? Hope to get at least a B+ as well.

SSB2216 - Employee Management in Singapore
All NUS students have to clear a Singapore Studies mod, and since the rest of them sound like History mods to me, this mod sounds the most interesting and relevant. Only abit worried because there is high emphasis on class participation and the project is a pretty big part of the module. Bad groupmates = fail.
Hope to get a B+ at least, may S/U if it's B- or below. If I get a B... will be conflicted :/

PH2110 - Logic
A last minute entry, though I actually DID consider this mod initially but switched it for NM2220 - Writing in New Media because I love writing and Candice was taking that as well so I thought I could do it with her.
However, in the very first round which I could bid for it, the bid points quickly went up to 700+, eventually going for 1000+ (lowest successful bid), so I didn't get it.
At the same time, while looking for an alternative, I came across the IVLE info for PH2110, and the textbook was available as an e-book so I decided to take a quick glance through - and was hooked. line and sinker. SO INTERESTING.
I think I will definitely like this mod, it's just a question of whether I can score for it. A- I hope?

If I hit all my goals - A- B+ B+  A B+ - CAP = 4 4 4 5 4.5 /5 = 4.3
Oh well, decent. Wish me luck.

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