Friday, 16 May 2008





Ok i just finished my B SLC and .. received my posting today. guess what. i'm going to freaking A SLC. ZZZZ. That means i'll be going back to the same camp which is freaking far from my house (boonlay) and i'll be having outfield practically every single week. how awesome ain't it.

i'm depressed and angry and frustrated and ARHGHGHGHG. i just wanna scream.
oh yes, i'm booking in monday night -_- practically all other vocations are tues morning book in.
WHY am i not posted to a unit!!! AW(E*H!ASDOI!#)(*

Ok just to make myself smile or something, here's something funny which i saw a long time ago (near the start of my BS LC).. it was the instructions on the back of the number lock which i bought:

Directions for use
1) Please make sure whether all the "Press Button" set up already.
2) Press your "Secret Number button" please
3) Push the slide button which is underneath this combination lock and press it down Then it will be O.K.

1) Press down the curve
2) Just push up the back side button is O.K.

Lol gg pwnd awesome instructions.

on a side note, i didn't include that qisahn ad above my tagboard.. it's cbox automatically put one. i think it works like google ads, they scan for keywords in your blog and put the relevant ads.
AND regarding my tagboard, sheesh, stop arguing on it already. go to to start arguments with people not here ktnxbai.

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