Thursday, 1 May 2008


Movie Review

So, i just watched the movie 'Doomsday' yesterday.. and.. let me do a quick review here yea.

Doomsday starts off with this deadly virus infecting an entire region in the UK, killing whoever gets contracted with it. Hence the government builds a wall around the entire region and quarantines the residents, leaving them to die.

Many years later, (about 35 years?) this strain of virus suddenly appears again in the outside world. And because of surveillance satellite cameras on the inside of the viral region, the government actually spotted people walking around 3 years ago. Hence, there should be a cure.

Thus a team is formed to enter the region and hunt for the cure. The people inside aren't very receptive to newcomers since they were abandoned by them in the first place....

The movie starts off quite promisingly, with quite intense action scenes and some amount of gore that can make you squirm in your seat. However, everything goes downhill after the 1hour mark or so.. it just suddenly becomes super random and the plot is terrible.

For example, the main characters were running away from the city cannibals and they run run run.. then suddenly the setting changes to this forested area and people in horseback come and capture them to bring them to a castle where the lead fights a gladiator clad in armour and with a spear and mace. (she's unarmed) (and wins)
Then when they escape from the castle they reach this factory in the middle of nowhere and she opens one container which has a beautiful sports car in it. -_- then it's car chase suddenly and right at the end of the car chase after she drives through a bus (-_-) rescue arrives about 10 metres infront.

Lol did i just spoil the whole movie for you? Good! dont watch it. you'll be disappointed as the plot was really bad after the 1 hour mark.

One show you SHOULD watch is Superhero Movie! it's super funny . it's from the creators of Scary Movie, and it spoofs superhero movies (duh). But the funny part is not in the spoofs itself, but in the witty lines and hilarious scenes in classic Scary Movie style.

So yea. i'm done with this movie review blog.. off to try to win more warcraft games after losing 3 yday. :(

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