Monday, 16 July 2007

photo spaaaam!!!

ok sorry for any substantial posts the past few days, just no mood. so i decided to picture spam today since there's noone online to play . haha.
alot alot of picturesss so happy happy!?

no? not happy? fight ar!!! aiya go away la if not happy!!

ok start!!

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lois acting cute with my cap.
(yup yup she's the mystery girl several entries back)

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and again

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compare this with the previous picture.. notice anything different? i photoshopped a little :)

smile jesslyn!
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arhm chio. (wanna laugh then try to cover up but cannot)

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initially wanted to photoshop this.. like make it all glamourous and stuff. but the photo quality was too bad (taken with my lousy 1.3 megapixel camera phone) so.. trashed the idea :(

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cute l'l baby i saw some time ago. the woman behind looks like she wants to eat the baby doesnt she.

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i miss my long hair

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took these 2 shots just before i went to cut hair before school reopened.
(lol sorry forgot to rotate and lazy to do now)

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gabs and jess ! eating some cute cartoon chocolate. then jess was forcing gabs to eat it 'properly', that is, eat the outer brown outline first, then the ear, then the hat, then the face, etc.

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quite cute leh . :)
(the chocolate)

Then in school joshua brought his PSP and we were playing his ... beatmania-like game. you know those games where things come down the screen and you have to press a particular button when a particular bubble passes the line at the bottom. O2Jam.. DDR.. beatmania.. all similar.
Yea so i was playing that on his PSP. Then we all taking turns.. then we couldnt beat the level 8 onwards song so we decided to join forces!!

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one person to each button!!! (4 buttons ma)

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can see?

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sorry my cam quality is really bad :(

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we got a 5th person to press this button which gives bonus points. (can press only after we accumulate enough power or something like that)

And to end it all..
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peace :)

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