Sunday, 15 April 2007

Econs project

argh, sunday worship was screwed up. Firstly the fill was crappy did some simple one which i dont even think i hit -- and the thing is that i couldnt hear daniel at all for the first two songs. Only his voice actually, not his guitar.
So my beat was pretty off for much of the fast song (your love is amazing) , i could TELL i was off too cos i couldnt hear him properly and didn't know what to play.

Had to signal to the sound crew after the song, then they finally switched on his guitar too -_- screwed up system.

Anyway, here's a project me and some friends did for Econs. If you dont take econs you wont understand at all, even if you do it may be a little boring cos it aint THAT interesting.
The super super funny thing which had us rolling on the floor laughing was that.. ok you watch already then scroll down and read.

The funny thing is that.. you know at the last part i tore that paper. Well, we actually used the back of my friend's math worksheet, and i TOTALLY forgot what it was, then in the middle of the video i decided to improvise.. cos pay debt already mah, so i tore it for effect.
Then my friend narrating started laughing then the cameraman (his worksheet) still filming didnt know why. only after we 'cut' then we all realised what just happened and started laughing ^^

Ok maybe you dont think it's funny cos u werent there but it was damn funny!!! i still laugh abit when i watch that part of the video =)

And editting the video was damn troublesome man. The hardest part was dealing with windowsmoviemaker hanging every 5 minutes. Had to keep saving to ensure the file wasn't lost. For the song i used another media editting software to bring up and down the volume at the appropriate times. rawr.

heh ok bye.

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