Monday, 8 January 2007

lol. explaining the poem.

heh. check this out - a comment left in response to my most recent poem 'Who Cares About Living'
Anonymous said...

i know who cares about living. Jesus and God.

They both care very much about every single human being living. god knows how familiar, or UNfamiliar, you are with Ezekiel 33:11, 1 Timothy 2:4 and 2 Peter 3:9. all of which say plain as daylight that human life is highly valued by God. even wretched, wicked lives. how can you bear to take so lightly something God takes so seriously?
and how can you just throw away something Jesus died for?

If your friend died for you, he'd have wanted you to live your life for him, for his sake, to live safe and peaceful, that's what he died for.

WAa... deep eh.
Anyway i'm assuming that anonymous is some random passerby who will most probably never pass by again so i don't know why i'm writing this, but just in case he's actually a friend of mine or if anyone thought that i was feeling suicidal or something like that.. well.. NO!

I wasn't trying to devalue life or anything like that - the theme of the poem was basically highlighting the ills of human life, the many things we do that we seem to know the dangers of but we still do them. So using a tone of sarcasm, i'm trying to convey a message something like.. 'sounds stupid? well it's what you've been doing.'

haha ok sorry i guess i'm not good enough to do that well. i just asked daniel and he also thought the title was the meaning of the poem. :S =X
There was something like this written by some super zhai poemwriter in Singapore.. her poem was published in the ST cos it won some prestigious prize.. was also using a tone something like this.. but of course her vocab was more colourful and her poem more.. literature-zhainess-like.
Her tone was something like 'Look at those African children on television, with their bloated tummys and ribs protruding. Well it doesn't matter, the government is just trying to get sympathy for them, so turn off that television, and throw away that plate of food you can't finish because you're full.'

I can't remember the exact wording, it was more concise and more impactful. I really liked that poem but i have no idea what the title is or what award it won or what her name was. so. :(

Anyway, GP class has just taken a drastic improvement.. my old unreasonable lousy (expletivecensored) GP Teacher is no longer my teacher!

Well SAJC is trying some new system where the GP classes are split into 3 streams.. basically lousy, normal, and good la. Remedial, Mainstream and Differentiated they call it.
I suay suay kena the Differentiated one cos my Promos GP grade quite good then the teacher go recommend me. the majority of the class are in mainstream, and they have a pretty teacher!! walao. so unfair. then i kena this class where there are 2 guys and 18 girls. arhhghghhghg. (i'm not pretending.) (well. ) (yes i'm not!) (always get saboed one ok. like who present? oh the only guy lor!)

Ok ignore the text in parentheses i don't know what i'm talking about. Anyway, the class is SO much better than the old class. which had zero teaching and zero progress and i learn effectively nothing from any of the classes last year. cos the teacher sucks.
This class is like.. woah. I like how the teacher conducts the class man. As i said to my classmates : "This is my first actual GP lesson in my JC life !"

= )

Okkkkk. erm. im tired. bye

p.s. i reverted the ending of the poem back to the old ending, as the new one doesn't convey my message at all i realised.

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