Sunday, 21 January 2007

churchy church

finally, went to church after 2 weeks of absence, though i was (and am) still pretty much sick as you guys could see.

quite interesting to see the current trend of 'new and different haircuts', not the standard 'trimshort' haircuts. cheryl's hair is damn cool haha. i shall keep touching her slope at the back of her head to disturb her hah. but she didnt seem very disturbed when i did it once or twice today.

meh, sunday school taken by uncle ronald AGAIN?? and in the library AGAIN? Firstly i already had him 2 years ago, and next i had the library 3 years ago. sheesh. he isn't exactly the most exciting/interesting of teachers -_- zzz
he and aunty diana have this weird habit of taking various verses from all over the place to make a point.seems pretty weird to me though, seems totally out of context in some cases.

so good to see everyone again though. kudos to those who talked to me today =)

had worship ministry meeting after sunday school.. was ultra boring. was basically the discussion of what both services wanted worship to be.. and how it would work out. Alot of 1st service vs 2nd service. btw i think this sequential service thing is .. pointless. what is the rationale? do they really think 2nd service people will come earlier AND interact with the 1st service people. Coming earlier is already a difficult requirement, throw in the interaction .. sounds pretty hard to achieve.
uncle freddy was also pretty contradictory when he started off with "there should be no 'they' and 'us', for the 1st and 2nd service, we should be together and united as one church" because before that uncle william or ivin or someone made some references like that.
then as he carries on speaking he says something like "i dont know how you guys do it, but we blabla bla"

He already made the distinction himself.

I think the church is trying to overachieve here. Can they say that amongst the 1st service and 2nd service alone, the members are all very tight? I think not. So to make this worse, they try to get everyone to know each other?

anyway, i made a challenge to god on friday. I dont know if all of you know but perhaps some do, i always had the question 'what is the point of praying for someone to recover from a sickness when even if you dont pray he will recover (e.g. non-christians)'
I told God - if prayer works, heal me by saturday. And i'll be convinced.

I'm still sick.

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