Monday, 19 December 2011

Random CAP calculations

I’vebeen doing some calculations because I’m bored.

Mycurrent CAP is 4.33 over 3 sems, meaning a Total Points of 13. I wanted tocalculate what I need to get to secure my 2nd upper class honors, sohere are just some random calculations I did.

1)      For my CAPto drop below 4 after next semester, I would have to get a B- average (CAP of2.96) next sem

2)      To graduatewith 2nd upper honors, I would need a Total Points of (4x7 = 28) (assumingI go on SEP and freeze CAP for one Semester, that’s why multiply by 7 and not8)

That means I need 28-13 = 15 points for my remaining 4 semesters. That’san average of CAP 3.75 for each semester, or B+ average for two semesters, Baverage for 2 semesters.

3)      That meansfor the coming semesters, any semester in which I get a CAP of above 3.75 =that amount less I need for subsequent semesters. (e.g. If I get 4.0 next sem,I only need 3.5 the subsequent sem)

4)      Assuming Ido well (CAP 4.5) next sem, I only need a B average for the remaining sems.

5)      Assuming I dobadly for next sem (CAP < 3.5), I need a 3.83 CAP average for the remainingsems.

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