Friday, 15 October 2010


If you haven't heard of the game Henhouse, i suggest you go play it now. It's an ipod Touch/iPhone game, very very fun and addictive and nice!

It's a very simple concept - you aim to press the eggs in numerical sequence from 1-100 in the shortest possible time.

Just yesterday(or maybe 2 days ag0) this was my high score screen

Just broke the 33 seconds barrier, and all scores below 34. It's quite phenomenal considering before i got my own iTouch my best score was just a one-time fluke 38, and the rest were just bordering on 40.

And today:
Lol TAKE THAT CHICKENS. 30.52 how sweet is that.
Now my new goal is to push everything below 32 or even 31 seconds, and aim to break the 30second barrier.

Step by step, i inch towards the world record of 25 seconds. :D

I can do it!

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