Saturday, 26 December 2009

does eating 5 ferraro rochers at once make you fat?

My theory is , no.

Why? Because of the concept of how bodybuilders gain mass! Yknow the whole tactic of gaining mass for weightlifters is to eat alot of meals. Like i think they eat 4-5 meals a day or something. Plus whatever steroids and vitamins they take of course.

Hence, this method uses a staggered-out eating habit to improve weight gain.

With my limited knowledge of biology i'm going to come up with my own theory about why this works. It's because the body cannot absorb so much food at once, so they stagger out their meals, their bodies have more time to absorb all the nutrients and stuff.

Thus, eating alot of food at a go does not make you fat! It would eventually reach a cap. For example, let's say a normal meal is 1 cheeseburger. (FOR SIMPLICITY'S SAKE K. I MEAN YOU CANT EXPECT ME TO SAY '1 plate of rice, 1 servings of vegetable, 1 servings of meat, 1 serv..... i'll take till next year to finish! .... which isn't very long considering it's 26th Dec already.. but you get the idea)

So I would say a person who eats TWO cheeseburgers a meal WILL get fatter than a person eating 1 cheeseburger a meal, let's say by 1kg.

However, what about a person who eats 3 cheeseburgers a meal? Does he gain 2kg more than the 1cheeseburger person?
All of us Economics students can echo now: NO!
This is because of The Law Of Diminishing Marginal Utility!

Omg the link which i took it from has a FOOD example to explain it! how relevant! i shall quote it here to reinforce my point.

This is the premise on which buffet-style restaurants operate. They entice you with "all you can eat," all the while knowing each additional plate of food provides less utility than the one before. And despite their enticement, most people will eat only until the utility they derive from additional food is slightly lower than the original.

For example, say you go to a buffet and the first plate of food you eat is very good. On a scale of ten you would give it a ten. Now your hunger has been somewhat tamed, but you get another full plate of food. Since you're not as hungry, your enjoyment rates at a seven at best. Most people would stop before their utility drops even more, but say you go back to eat a third full plate of food and your utility drops even more to a three. If you kept eating, you would eventually reach a point at which your eating makes you sick, providing dissatisfaction, or 'dis-utility'.

ok well that is based on satisfaction while my theory is talking about weight gain. BUT SAME THING I DONT CARE.

So perhaps a person who eats 3 cheeseburgers will gain 2.5kg. Then probably a person who eats 4 cheeseburgers a meal will gain the same amount of weight as the person who eats 3. So means 3 is the cap!

Thus, eating 5 ferraro rochers at once is actually good! it's better than eating 5 THROUGHOUT the day since THAT will make you FAT. FAT FAT like a snowman!


Now where's my award for Most Random Blogger of the Year?


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