Thursday, 17 May 2007

my army medical checkup

yoyo. ok time to blog about my army medical checkup :) they didnt say that it was to be secret so i hope i'm not infringing on any laws later they arrest me or something. :S

anyway. the whole building is called Singapore Defence Towers or something like that. It's just one section of that compound that's called CMPB (Central Manpower Base). So at first when i reach there i was like :S hmm. but found my way there in the end.

it's like playing some station games lidat. cos the medical checkup is broken up into 6 stations, then each station got like instructions and a task. They are urine test, blood test(x2), dental test, eyesight test, xray, height and weight, sometestwhichtheysticksuctioncupsonyou, cough test.

Ok i know that's not 6 haha. errr. i dunno leh the checklist put 6.

Anyway i think those army people who work there sure have alot of funny stories to tell.. cos some guys are really quite dumb haha.

Like firstly the urine test.. the guys goes 'Please take one -gestures to a container of these paper strips- and urine on the colours. The toilet is over there' (urine isn't a verb btw. )
I think testing for drugs or diabetes or something. Like one part of the strip has colours and if your pee has some chemicals they'll change to a particular colour. So like supposed to show him the strip la. the colours.
Then i see some people they come out and practically thrust the strip(soaked with pee) in his face it's damn funny. he'll like reel back and woaaa ok thanks you can throw it away.

THEN the stupid blood test. Basically poke you in the vein in your arm to take a tube of your blood. then my Medical Officer was this middleaged man. Ok not middleaged more like old man. Then i previously give blood before ma so i not scared of it. But this old man is siao. Instead of aiming the needle and slowly inserting it into your vein.
He kinda like.. ready.. aim.. FIRE. Like jabbed the thing into me. haha. i guess that's how it's done in army. then he didnt leave it down so it was kinda pulling my skin up when it was still in me.
btw some guy fainted when it was his turn for blood test :p ha

the other tests.. all normal.

Oh then after all that there's like this 2 hour IQ test. THe questions all make you think alot.. like they give you four shapes then there's some pattern la. then what is the next shape that follows the pattern and you have to choose. Then got arithmetic and algebra and physics questions also. :s it's 10 sections, 30 questions or so each section. And each section is timed.
I didnt finish the first 2-3 sections on time.. cos no clock no timer so how i know sia. Then the rest i chiong faster and could finish the rest. But some really guess man dunno the answer.

ha hope i dont fail it. later i kena classified as low IQ or something then cannot get good vocation :S ahhh.

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