Thursday 27 January 2011


hello to whoever still actually visits my blog even though the frequency of posts is dismal - THANKS FOR COMING. I mean, no harm right, just put it in your daily rotation of 'random websites to visit' and if no post then just go to the next one lor. NO HARM. haha.

Anyway, just a quick update to what i've been up to. If you have noticed, my MSN nick/ Twitter has been complaining about Starcraft2, the game i supposedly love so much.

Well, the gist of the problem is this - SC2 has several leagues of play, bronze, silver, gold, platinum, diamond, and recently the new Master league. Being in a higher league means you are better skilled. I've been in diamond for quite awhile, and since the inception of the Master league, i've been trying to get in. BUT I CANT. I keep losing alot and some losses are just dumb. So it has got me very very pek chek. so. !#(*!&# Starcraft2.

I'm limiting myself to just 5 league games a day now, to limit this pek chek ness. If I win all 5 then maybe play more.

And on to other news.... I CANT WAIT FOR FEB5TH. Another vexing story - My re-contract eligibility is actually Feb3rd, but that is the first day of CNY so all Singtel shops are closed!! (why no Malays!?) and they are only open on Feb5th!! So I can only get my iPHONE THEN! argh.

It's crazy - just in my arts camp OG alone, there are TWELVE people who own an iPhone. Why so many ah. Then i was telling my friend, wa, if I get also, then i'll be the UNLUCKY THIRTEENTH. later my iPhone drop into toilet bowl how?

Argh anyway. Can't. Wait. 9 more days.

On to school news.. wa this is like watching some news report ah. And on to the weather... it looks cloudy and may rain. Oh something I learnt in philo - logic :
If it is raining, it is cloudy
It is cloudy
It is raining.
This is an INVALID argument, because the conclusion is not always true when the premises are true (i.e. when it is cloudy, it may not be raining)

On the other hand:
If it is raining, it is cloudy.
It is raining
It is cloudy"
This is a VALID argument, because whenever the premises are true, the conclusion is also true.
The line --------- means 'therefore' by the way'.

yup that's the nonsense i learn in school, and i've been pretty busy with projects and stuff, and more are coming in. I think I'm trying to shoulder too much of the project(s) on my own.. feel like just chilling.
Not been very disciplined! Today studied till about 3pm or earlier then I stopped already. zz. Lured by the computer.

I think i tweeted this before - I need an iPhone so that it can be my distraction instead of the PC. The rationale is that when i use my PC, it's for long periods and normally denotes the end of studying because it is outside of my room.
However, just taking a break to play some iPhone games is different, i can still stay in my room and get back to my books after the break. (just like how it was last time with iPod Touch)

Yup. So . 9 more days. And i realised I've been using hyphens alot this blog post - like this.

Ok, that's all folks. eat your vitamins and shit often.

Saturday 15 January 2011

i hate sleep

I think sleep is a waste of time.

The average person sleeps 7 hours every day, and that's 49 hours in a week, 210 in a month, about 2400 hours in a year. That's about 100 days worth. We lose 100 freaking days every year  because we have to sleep.

So effectively, every 3 years of your life, you lose one year! So if you are 21 years old, you are actually 14. You lost 7 years in sleeping time.

I find myself dreading sleep sometimes. Well, not dreading REST, that's different. If we are exhausted and need rest, we will look forward to sleep. But when we are NOT exhausted/tired, and we are just doing stuff or looking forward to the next day, the thought of having to go to bed 'because it's late' is just so annoying.

And we can't NOT do it because we will feel really tired if we fall short of our sleep requirement.

Can you imagine if we had a biological button that we could push that switches us off and on again, fully recharged, xx hours later? That would be awesome wouldn't it. Better yet, what if we had some neurological dysfunction that causes us to not sleep yet be able to recharge our energy.

I also wish we could teleport. Transport is yet another time waster in life. I spend about 2.5 hours a day travelling when I go to school. Assuming I go to school 5 days a week, that's 12.5 hours a week, and about 600 hours a year wasted. That's 30 days a year spent travelling! (I'm doing all this arithmetic via rough mental estimations, so if you want to double check you can use a calculator)

Wouldn't it be awesome if you could just blink and reach home? Blink and go to school? Sure, the SBS would be out of job. But they are terribad anyway. Go to Twitter and search #SBSruinslives and find all the complains.

Wow this was such a disjointed random rambling post. I think I'm still doozy from inhaling BBQ smoke from huijun's 21st. I reached there, had a plate of fried rice and spent the rest of my time standing at the BBQ pit. Mostly girls and all the slack imagirlicantBBQilldirtymynails type. Oh well. I don't really mind.

The problem with saying 'wanna sub?' to the person at the BBQ pit is that you never know who's going to say 'wanna sub' to you after you take over. It may be never. I think if I ever had the craziness to have a BBQ ( i won't, i hate them. It's conceptually flawed because your friends have to BBQ and it's a wearisome job and someone ends up suffering) I will draw up a rotation shift for the BBQ pit.

Ok I think I will stop. Right here. Right now. Is that some HSM song? oh dear. I shall end.