Sunday, 21 November 2010

diamonds are forever

Finally got my last diamond in Starcraft 2! For 4v4! Was quite retarded, I had like 9 wins in a row and no promotion.. had a 26:6 win loss ratio. Then i lost one, then after the next win BAM promoted.

Diamond league in all categories :)

Top 40 in 1v1 diamond, 39 is my highest rank so far. Hope to climb to top 20 during the holidays! But have to get used to playing with my laptop cos i'll probably be visiting gf alot haha.

Read after page break for my rave about the new blogger interface!

Btw, draft.blogger's interface is damn nice? Looks so much better and i LOVE the new image adding functionality.. So much better than the old one, which was really buggy (when you insert image it puts it at the start of the post) 

Now it inserts where you want it, and even after you upload you can just click it for a variety of resizing options! How cool is that! You must try it!

Why are they not making it the main interface? The one sucks man. Anyway, good job blogger, I was almost going to switch to wordpress and i discovered draft.blogger. :D

Ok, 2 more exams this week + 1 more next week and I'll climb to top 20 in my league in SC2!

EDIT: I just realised when i made the image large it would clash with my narrow space for my blog post and overlap onto the twitter side.. zz. Have to fix that soon. Sorry for small images! 

EDIT EDIT: Oh cool stuff, you can click the image to view the full size image!! It didn't work when i clicked 'Preview'. Previously where got such function one!! NICE NICE BLOGGER LOVE LOVE

New feature for Facebook

I don't know if you are familiar with the '7 degrees of separation' hypothesis, which basically states that

"any 2 people in the world are separated by at most 7 degrees of separation."

This means that someone in Alaska could well be the friend of the cousin of the friend of the teacher of the pen pal of your sister's friend. In essence, you can connect any two people with such a line.

I don't know how accurate this hypothesis is, but when I think about it it seems pretty plausible to me. I mean, I'm sure it's a pretty common occurrence for Facebook users to go like 'Eh?! You know jane ah? she's from my secondary school!' which just shows the coverage of social networks.

Ok sorry that was a random digression about what I wanted to blog about. This post isn't about this 7 degrees of separation, but for a new feature for Facebook, that is, a 'Circle of Friends' or 'CoF' for short.

The perils of Facebook is well known to Communications and New Media students and basically any individual with common sense. If you upload something onto your Facebook, you must remember that it's very likely your future colleagues, or boss(es) may see it. Even the HR of the company you're applying for may run a Facebook sweep about you. (of course this last one may be protected if the HR are not your friends and you already have your privacy setting up to prevent non-friends from viewing your stuff..) Thus, there's the fear of uploading things that you WANT to upload.

How do we rectify this? Include a 'circles of friends' classification for Facebook!

Think of it as concentric circles, with the innermost circle being your closest circle of friends, the next circle being your close friends, the next circle being your normal friends, the next being your acquaintances, and the next being peopleyoubarelyknowbutwanttofriendyoubecausetheywannaboosttheirfacebookfriendscount. You get the idea.

Then your privacy settings will include how much you want each circle to see. For instance, everytime i upload a photo, I can select 'up to which degree of friends' do i want to allow to see those photos. There can be a default setting that simply 'allows all'.
This may sound troublesome to customize for those who don't care about what others see about them, so it can be an opt-in thing - if you don't want to utilize this feature, the default will just be the way things are now.

This feature can be called 'Circles of Friends' (CoF) and can be activated for various things besides photos - such as wall posts, sharing of links, videos. If you cant be bothered selecting who to allow to view your stuff everytime you perform an activity, it's ok! You just continue with your normal usage. If you ARE bothered, you activate the CoF for whichever function you want (e.g. wall posts) and everytime you make a wall post you select from a dropdown menu to which level you want to allow viewership of it, etc.

Oh, and of course your CoF settings for respective friends will be kept confidential, so your friends' feelings aren't hurt :p It can be a chore to get it up and running especially if you have like 12837 friends, but think of the benefits!

No more worrying about broadcasting personal (as in 'private', not personal as in yours) thoughts to seemingly any tom dick and harry on your FB list! No more worrying about your parents seeing your wild party photos! No more worrying about your colleagues finding out about your double life!

Even more privacy issues with the 'See Friendship' feature allowing friends of friends to see your private photos! This can potentially bypass the CoF thing as well, so I think the See Friendship feature needs fixing eh. :@

Thursday, 18 November 2010

blog design

So, tomorrow is my first finals paper ever in NUS.. and I've more or less stopped studying for the day lolol.

I think I am too damn complacent because it's an open book exam and I think it'll be no problemo. Will i regret not studying more ? Maybe, if I don't get an A for this module. I hope I do though :S

Anyway, I'm appealing to whoever knows abit about blog design or HTML or something. I've been wanting to tweak some parts of my blog for some time but I've no idea how.

1) How do you incorporate a twitter box without screwing up links?
Most people may not be aware of this, but when I had my twitter feed showing on the side bar, any links that were in line with the twitter box could not be clicked. Also, you cannot drag-select anything that is in line with the twitter box (e.g. you cannot copy something i typed)

And, why is my twitter box not working now >< I copied the code from Twitter and it doesn't seem to load my tweets.

2) How do you make dropdown menus?
For example, my archives is shiiizzle long, I want to make it just 'Archives ^' with an arrow that points downwards and when you click it it opens up into what it is now.

And also is there a way to make a preview style of blog posts such as @
without actually changing the template?

So I can show like, the first portion of my entry and you can click a 'Read More' button to read more.

Anyone who helps will get paid $19823712 in 129387213123982173 years