Wednesday, 17 November 2010

dream blog

2 new entries on the dream blog! I think I'll update it quite regularly because.. I dream everyday ma. Unless I forget my dream.. which is a likely possibility.

Anyway, going to meet her tomorrow! yay! after like, one week. LOL. Ok fine not very long. But it's like, the longest time since.. mid terms or something. rawr.

Monday, 15 November 2010

referees = rugby players

Hey, I heard the new requirement for soccer referees is to be really proficient at rugby! Or at least, dodging tackles. Watch this:

You can fastforward till about 0:35

This is just hilarious!? The referee eludes like the whole team! hahaha he can totally play rugby and score a touchdown easily against this soccer team.
Also shows how soccer players are too used to using their feet.. even tackle someone also try to do flying kick rofl! They could easily have brought him down with a normal rugby tackle .. or maybe not cos the referee too pro already hahaha

Sunday, 14 November 2010

dream blog

Just made a new separate blog for my dreams.. Decided to start penning them down since they are kinda interesting sometimes. And I heard recalling your dreams improves memory. And exams coming ma HAHA.

Yup so one new entry up, I'll advertise here whenever an entry goes up there so you can just keep coming back here for blogginggoodness. :p

Ok adios