Saturday, 14 March 2009

MOE teaching scholarship not for English

Brightsparks has been spamming my email with ads for scholarships and stuff. And the latest one just took the icing on the cake.

The mistake is so severe that i'm not even sure if it's really a mistake.. cos it's too blatant and stupid to be really a mistake. but i think it really is:

read the normal font:

"As a teaching scholar you are just not expectional. You make something
expectional possible in others."

what the heck is 'expectional'??

lol. and even if they spelt 'exceptional' correctly, that sentence doesn't make any sense either. 'you are just not exceptional'. so .. they're saying you suck? lol.
should be 'you are not just exceptional'!!!

omg epic fail.

come MOE give me teaching scholarship i just owned your ad.

p.s. i didn't apply for an MOE scholarship

Tuesday, 10 March 2009

i'm so upset i didn't go for Jason Mraz!!

yes yes. His concert was last thursday, 5th March.

The story was this - i initially thought i was booking out on friday. So obviously can't go and watch the concert ma.
Then on thursday morning i found out the surprising news that i was actually booking out that evening! so.. ok yay happy. but i didn't think about jason mraz la, because i didn't have tickets anyway.

THEN AT LUNCH TIME. one of my men suddenly said he was trying to sell his jason mraz concert tickets!!! $150 tickets at only $100!!! (cos he couldn't make it) omgomg coincidence or what. suddenly can go and suddenly someone selling.

So quickly i thought through how it could work.. i would have to find a date first ma, it's extremely weird to go for a concert ALONE. so i called bestie (who else?) but she din answer, so i jus smsed her.
budden, the complication came when my men said that his GF had the tickets, and she was only coming to pick up him up at 7++. Then the concert was scheduled to start at 8!

So erm, do the calculations, i won't be able to make it by 8 la. have to meet chris, then go all the way into the confirm-traffic-jammed indoor stadium. by the time we get in, probably 8++. and my previous concert (NTU BAND) started v v punctually.

so after much hesitation, i decided not to buy the tickets.

THEN. anyway from 7 - 8+ my ipod was on Jason Mraz - loop just to cheer myself up. then 8+ i smsed yvonne (who went for the concert) to ask how was it, and also complain about my almost-bought-ticket-but-didn't predicament.
It was.. 8.30? or slightly earlier.

Then she replied:
The concert hasn't even started yet!

ZOMGZOMG i totally could've gone!!!!! and caught every single second of jason mraz!! ahhhhh!!

anw stupid yvonne msged me periodically throughout the concert too to tell me how good the concert was, how awesome mraz was, etc etc. which of course drove me nuts and wanna strangle her. which is not her fault anyway cos it's probably totally true.

grr. i'm going for the next concert which he does in Singapore. don't care. who wanna go with me. lol.

Anyway, i was looking through youtube for recordings of the concert.. and sth really weird was noticed by ppl during one of the performances:

during his rendition of 'Lucky' (with Joy Chua from Singapore. some local singer. and Lucky is my fav song.) , a very very distinct bulge can be seen from Joy Chua's groin area. It looks terribly wrong?!? lolol. check out the video to see what i'm saying.
rofl owned. wth is that??!? she's actually a guy!! hahahah ok fine no it's prob the mike box or sth. but it looks damn weird.

anw, bah she din do it v well either. but of course, who can blame her? she's singing next to Jason Mraz! i think any average girl will just freeze up.

oh, check out this link for the same video, about 10 seconds longer to show what happens after the song =) jason mraz actually gives her a super hug , actually lifting her up abit in the process!! haha. i heard from yvonne that all the girls (and some guys? lol) went like AHHHHH when he hugged her la. hahaha.

okok, my rant is over. this post was totally on impulse la. haha. i can't believe it's so long. i think i blog best when running on inspiration. heh. ok bye wish me luck for navigation on thurs bye <3

Friday, 6 March 2009

daiso is owns.

heh, everytime i stop by daiso i'll just walk around inside to amuse myself with the english writings on them.. because they just.. try so hard that it's funny. :)


lol why is having a cotton bud black allow you to watch dirt more clearly? and why do you wanna watch the dirt more clearly? lol

they have lame stickers too

the source of all soys.

yea, you're freaking heavy, get off my side. REALLY.

if you can't read the writing:
We're just a heart beat away
the touch could make it happen
we can reach the other side
if we hold on to the passion.
lol! selling panties leh. hahaha. doesnt make sense at all.

this is a PUKE BAG. yes, a special plastic bag just for vomitting. japanese think of everything. and it supposedly 'quickly solidifies liquids'! lolol. i wanna try .

and just to make you drool:

had this delicious brownie creation @ ben&jerry's =) yummy