Tuesday, 10 April 2007

stupid rain

zzzz. Napfa postponed to thursday. 2 more days of suspense and misery and anticipation and )$R%932q40823q401.

Gimme my gold or silver babeh.

Monday, 9 April 2007

all hail cbox

Some random people have been flaming my tagboard, and with the new feature on cbox , i can actually track and ban the IPs of those who do so.

Unless they tell me who they are i'll just turn them in to the authorities for derogatory comments and verbal harassment. Messages are saved.

I <3 cbox. =)

Anyway, napfa is tmr. :S argh. stress . I'm damn stressed for some reason. i need silver/gold to have shorter NS and to skip PE for the rest of the year.
Situps - confirm A
Sit and reach - confirm A
Pullups - Should be B
SBJ - Should be B
Shuttle run - I DONNO ZOMG.
check out this entry for more details about my shuttle run. :S
2.4km - At best C. Hope can get C.

Most worried about the last 2 items cos shuttle run is .. variable . you read that post which i linked you to you'll know why i'm so scared of it. It's like som psychological thing.

And.. it's the first time i'm running 2.4km straight away after the 5 stations.. usually would be on a different day. but now.. argh. die. hope i can even finish the run.

Sunday, 8 April 2007

a whirl.

What do you do when everything depends on you?

If you were the penalty taker of the 90 minute penalty in the World Cup Finals that is currently tied 2-2... how would you feel?

If you were in a collapsing building in an earthquake and you see a collapsing beam and you quickly reach out and manage to hold on to it.. if you release it the entire building is going to go down. How would you feel?

If you were leading a blind troupe through the jungle and your compass spoils.. what would you do?

If in a poll, the results are dead even before you vote, so your vote would decide the winner.. how would you feel?

I hate being the deciding factor. But i guess there are times when i have to be it.

Somebody help me.