What do people think about when they run?
I don't like running, so this is something I always struggle with. The "occupy my mind for more than 10 mins" thing. This is roughly what goes through my mind every time:
Huff. Puff. This seems OK. Comfortable pace. Let 's go.
Wonder what I'll do after this.
OK this is getting hard.
OK control your breathing. One, two puff... One two puff..
Maybe I can go get a nice cold drink.. What should I get. I deserve a snack after this.
Oh god I'll never finish this.
Just look straight and keep my strides constant. Come on. I can do this.
Damn that aunty just passed me.
-random thought about whatever game I'm playing recently to try to take my mind off the exertion -
-tries to keep mind on anything but the exertion-
Thinks about how tiring this is and how nice it would be to stop
No, don't stop Alan. Come on. Imagine what finishing this will be like..
Imagine sh cheering u on. Go Alan. You can do it.
When am I meeting her next? Maybe I'll text her after this to tell her I finished a run
Yes. I need to finish this so I can say I finished it. Come on.
Help I'm dying.
My Lungs my legs
Focus on the things I'm passing.. That tree.. The block of flats..
Focus on my footsteps. Maintain. Maintain. Resist the urge to slow down or stop
Maybe I should stop..
Keep going.
I'm only halfway there??
Ok halfway more..
Deep breaths. Maintain constant breathing.
What can I think about to distract me.
-thinks about random game-
Feel like slowing down.. That bench there looks nice.
Screw the bench keep going alan
Sh will be proud of u
Imagine sh smiling
OK come on.keep going. One two puff, one two puff
Need to distract myself.
Another runner. He's going slowly. Ha. Sucker.bye.
Passed him. I'm the best.
I'm tired, I should slow down.
Gasp. I need to stop.
No, maintain alan. come on. maintain the pace, keep going.
Imagine SH cheering you on. Go go go.
I'll have a nice cold drink after this is over.
Why is this so hard.
one two puff one two puff one two puff
-more or less can't think of anything else apart from dying or controlling my breathing / pace the rest of the way -